
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Currency Books

Do you have some small size currency and want to know its value? Leave a comment

My last two book purchases were for U.S. paper money and both were paid with U.S. paper money but no one saw the irony. I had to upgrade because  although I'm primarily a coin collector the currency questions seem to be winning.

First I got the Standard Guide To Small-Size U.S. Paper Money, 1928 To Date, 9th Edition, by John Scwartz and Scott Linquist. To say I was disappointed is an understatement.

What's New?
  • Glossy color pages, it makes the book heavier and thicker.
  • Less pages, more compact writing.
  • Only change in values is in the higher notes and higher grades.
  • Color ads moved to the back.
  • Few price changes. (More of a market thing, not the book's fault.)
  • 2004 $20 EK-* is still listed as 3,840,000 even though it should be 384,000.
  • 1976 $2 L-A is listed as 82,5600 when it should be 82,560,000.
  • Appendix of fancy serial numbers still not back.
  • 2006 $1 B-* W has an error showing the final printing as B07 040 000K, the K should be a star 
  • 2006A $10 iI-A should be II-A 
  • 2006A $10 IB-* should be IC-* 
  • 2006A $10 does not exist, should be just 2006
  • 2006 $1 L-* to L00640000* says 640,000,000 it should  be 640,000 
If you already have the book do not upgrade. If you want to buy a modern currency book then might as well go for this but an older cheaper version is fine.
    Second was the United States Paper Money Errors A Comprehensive Catalog & Price Guide, 3rd Edition, by Dr. Frederick J. Bart. Much better than the previous book but still not perfect.

    What's New?
    • Epilogue changed from a Calvin Coolidge quote to a wacky song.
    • "About the Author" changed his picture from the 1970s shot to late 1990s cool guy.
    • All values change, most have doubled.
    • Color ads in the back.
    • Less descriptive, each error is now given the same boring error name.
    • Less pictures of all the varieties.
    If you already have the 2nd edition then get this one to keep up with the values and few new entries. If you never owned the older edition then get it and get this one also. This book is far from complete and the reduction in all the varieties was very disappointing, you will need both to find common errors.

    Do you have a U.S. bill and want to know its book value? Leave a comment/question and I will do my best to find out the price and history for you.


    1. Hi,

      I bought something today and my change included a $10 bill, which I thought was fake originally because the green color was more vibrant than other bills. I was wondering if you could tell me if it's fake or worth if it's real.

      Series: 1950C (C 249865410)

      Thank you.

      PS. If it's easier, my email is

    2. $10 bill, which I thought was fake originally because the green color was more vibrant than other bills. I was wondering if you could tell me if it's fake or worth if it's real.

      Series: 1950C (C 249865410)

      It is most likely real it's about $12.50.

    3. Hey Man,
      *Foreign Coins*

      I got some foreign coins that my mom found while rummaging her dozen or more purses.

      1. Republic of Ecuador 1986 Un Sucre
      2. Republic of El Salvador 10 Centavos (Cents)
      3. Canada 1995 10 Cents
      4. Same as number 1 1988 20 sucres
      5. Same as number 1 1977 50 50 Centavos
      6. Republic of Panama 1970 Un Cuarto de Balboa
      The Bottom three I have no idea where she got them from
      7. Fiji 1990 10 Cents
      8. Bundersrepublik Deutschland (Germany) 1995 2 Pfennig
      9. Suid Afrika (South Africa,which was still under the Apartheid Regime ) 1988 1 Cent

    4. 1. Republic of Ecuador 1986 Un Sucre about $0.10
      2. Republic of El Salvador 10 Centavos (Cents) what year???
      3. Canada 1995 10 Cents about $0.10
      4. Same as number 1 1988 20 sucres about $0.90
      5. Same as number 1 1977 50 50 Centavos about $0.10
      6. Republic of Panama 1970 Un Cuarto de Balboa about $0.35
      7. Fiji 1990 10 Cents about $0.10
      8. Bundersrepublik Deutschland (Germany) 1995 2 Pfennig about $0.15
      9. Suid Afrika (South Africa,which was still under the Apartheid Regime ) 1988 1 Cent about $0.05

    5. 2. Republic of El Salvador 10 Centavos (cents) 1993.

    6. can you please tell me the value of these currencies?

      $1 BILLS:

      G16648165G SERIES 1935D-BLUE PRINT;AU
      V76209341A SERIES 1957B-BLUE PRINT;VF
      W85878057A SERIES 1957B-BLUE PRINT;VF
      G00161939* SERIES 2003-BRIGHT GREEN PRINT;G

      $2 BILLS:

      A06074315A SERIES 1963-RED PRINT;CU

      thank you~!

    7. Republic of El Salvador 10 Centavos (cents) 1993 about $0.10

    8. $1 BILLS:

      G16648165G SERIES 1935D-BLUE PRINT;AU about $10.00
      V76209341A SERIES 1957B-BLUE PRINT;VF about $2.50
      W85878057A SERIES 1957B-BLUE PRINT;VF about $2.50
      G00161939* SERIES 2003-BRIGHT GREEN PRINT;G about $1.50

      $2 BILLS:

      A06074315A SERIES 1963-RED PRINT;CU about $15.00
      A07120657A SERIES 1963-RED PRINT;EF WITH THE NUMBER '46' WRITTEN ON FAR LEFT OF BILL about $7.00 assuming the damaged ink can be removed
      A78062843A SERIES 1953C-RED PRINT;EF WITH SMALL BLACK INK MARK ON THE LEFT OF BILL AND ERROR ON TOP OF BILL about $7.00 assuming the damaged ink can be removed

    9. Hey,
      me again.
      My mom found these REALLY unusual pennies.
      One penny is a 1992 and it has this green tint on the obverse (It's not put on on top of it, it's part of the penny) and on the back it's half in half, top left half in normal, and the bottom right half has a blue tint.
      Second penny 2005 D obverse is completely normal, but the reverse is a different story. The top (above the lincoln memorial) has ("patch"? Did i use the right word) with rainbow colors. From Orange to yellow to purple to Blue to Red To pink & Light Blue.
      The third one (my favorite) 1966 when you put it to the light, the whole penny front and back turns blue (not necesarrily blue, but the the tint is blue, the penny itself is brown from being used a lot. The only thing is that the words on the obverse turn purple while the words on the reverse do not.
      Just in case, I didn't make this up.
      Are these errors? Or were they artificially turned into what they are now.

    10. One penny is a 1992 and it has this green tint on the obverse (It's not put on on top of it, it's part of the penny) and on the back it's half in half, top left half in normal, and the bottom right half has a blue tint.
      Sounds like toning which can be natural or artificial but either way it does not add or take away value.

      Second penny 2005 D obverse is completely normal, but the reverse is a different story. The top (above the lincoln memorial) has ("patch"? Did i use the right word) with rainbow colors. From Orange to yellow to purple to Blue to Red To pink & Light Blue.
      Again this is toning but this sounds artifical, it happens when exposed to paper or oils.

      The third one (my favorite) 1966 when you put it to the light, the whole penny front and back turns blue (not necesarrily blue, but the the tint is blue, the penny itself is brown from being used a lot. The only thing is that the words on the obverse turn purple while the words on the reverse do not.
      More toning if the cent is high grade, meaning in perfect condition it may add some value but very little.

      Toning happens to all metals and coins but does not affect value much. Although some collectors look for toned coins but mostly silver dollars.

    11. I happen to run across an $20 bill;Federal Reserve Note printed on top;Series 1981A;Serial # D03861070A; Federal Reserve of Ohio, Bank of Cleveland stamp; Katherine Davalos Ortega as Treasurer of the US and Donald Regan as Secretary of the Treasury. How much is it worth?

    12. $20 bill;Federal Reserve Note printed on top;Series 1981A;Serial # D03861070A

      Just $20.00.

    13. Just out of curiousity,
      Have you ever thought of buying a $100 US platinum coin?

    14. Have you ever thought of buying a $100 US platinum coin?

      Yes, but I can't afford it. It is a great coin and a great investment.

    15. Hi, I have a few bills that I thought looked interesting for whatever reason. I have zero experience and less-than adequet knowledge of collecting. I have high quality scans that I can e-mail to you - I don't know how to post them on here.

    16. I have a few bills that I thought looked interesting for whatever reason. I have zero experience and less-than adequet knowledge of collecting. I have high quality scans that I can e-mail to you - I don't know how to post them on here.

      Just post the pictures on a free site then drop a link here.


    18. Nick, I can not see any details the scans are too low quality.

      Just list the dates of each and maybe I can help.

    19. Hi,
      I got a 1989 D penny that has a whole bunch of dots on it sort of like bubbles, obverse and reverse. What does that mean?

    20. 1989 D penny that has a whole bunch of dots on it sort of like bubbles, obverse and reverse. What does that mean?

      Modern U.S. cents are made like a sandwich with two layers of copper covering a zinc core. If dirt or uneven heating occurs between the layers little bubbles form.

      This lowers the value of coins and is very common.

    21. Sorry for repeating myself (no pun intended from your latest post),
      but upon closer inspection, putting it to the light and using a magnifying glass, I COULD barely see it says: Five Cents and D under it. Does that change the value?

    22. putting it to the light and using a magnifying glass, I COULD barely see it says: Five Cents and D under it. Does that change the value?

      What coin are you talking about?


      Hopefully these are better, I used a different hosting site.

    24. The Indian Head I asked about earlier in a previous post. I said that you couldn't see anything except where it said LIBERTY, but now that i checked it through a magnifying glass and A LOT of light, I could BARELY see it says FIVE CENTS and under it you can clearly see it says D. I have another question,
      are casino coins of any value?

    25. Nick, nice scans.

      $20 1985 L-I about $25.00
      $20 1985 G-B about $20.00
      $20 1969-B G-* about $75.00
      $100 1977 A-A about $100.00

      Canada Cent
      1942 about $0.10
      1956 about $0.05

      U.S. Cent
      1934 about $0.15
      1939 about $0.15
      1944 about $0.10
      1945 about $0.10
      1950-D about $0.10
      1957-D about $0.10

      Most of the notes and coins are in fine or less, except for the 1985 $20 which looks uncirculated.
      The most interesting is the the $20 star note which in uncirculated usually sells for $300.00.

    26. Indian Head I asked about earlier in a previous post. I said that you couldn't see anything except where it said LIBERTY, but now that i checked it through a magnifying glass and A LOT of light, I could BARELY see it says FIVE CENTS and under it you can clearly see it says D.
      I think you are talking about the dateless Buffaloes, even with a D or S they are only $0.50.

      are casino coins of any value?
      Yes there is a big market for them especially when the casino no longer is open. Unfortunately I know nothing about gaming chip and tokens.

      You would have to find a specialty forum or check eBay prices. They have books but I can't comment if they are accurate.

    27. What are the values for these federal reserve note $20 bills?:

      L32641719A;series 1934A;Fine;Henry Morganthau Jr. as secretary of the treasury & W.A. Sulian? as treasurer of the U.S.

      G13122000B;series 1934B;Fine;W.A. Sulian as treasurer of the U.S. & Fred M. Vinson? as secretary of the treasury.

      G14859346B; series 1934B;Fine;W.A. Sulian as treasurer of the U.S. & Fred M. Vinson? as secretary of the treasury.

    28. Thanks a lot, Man. Hopefully I'll have some more soon.

    29. $20 bills?:

      L32641719A;series 1934A;Fine; about $25.00

      G13122000B;series 1934B;Fine; about $25.00

      G14859346B; series 1934B;Fine; about $25.00

      For all above the back number is important and may change the value.

    30. these are the back numbers on the back of the $20 bills:

      L32641719A;series 1934A;Fine=320

      G13122000B;series 1934B;Fine=473

      G14859346B;series 1834B;Fine=462

    31. these are the back numbers on the back of the $20 bills:

      Unfortunately they are not the rare types, so no change in the previous values.

    32. i tried to get the best outcome view as i could...but here's the link~ can you tell me the value of this $10 bill? thank you!

      just if you can't read the series, it's 1950D and back number is 1817.

    33. $10 bill...1950D

      About $12.00

    34. Trying to find out more info regarding my 1996 series $20 80% (roughly) offset printing (the back of the twenty is on the printed over the front, serial # AC44678758D. How common is this type of error.

    35. 1996 series $20 80% (roughly) offset printing (the back of the twenty is on the printed over the front, serial # AC44678758D. How common is this type of error.

      On a scale of 1-9, 1 being common and 9 being rare your error bill is a 3.

      It is even picutured in the Error book the same year and AC-D it's about $100 in fine if 100%.

    36. I came across a star note today $20 series 2004A, serial GK00777022*. Looking on the back of it I thought there was thumb print on it but it's an offset print of Jackson's jacket, there is an offset of the color changing #20 too. Also seems like there's a bit of an imprint/embossing from the engraving plate. Guessing but thinking it's a 5-10% offset. Any idea on this?

    37. star note today $20 series 2004A, serial GK00777022*. Looking on the back of it I thought there was thumb print on it but it's an offset print of Jackson's jacket, there is an offset of the color changing #20 too. Also seems like there's a bit of an imprint/embossing from the engraving plate. Guessing but thinking it's a 5-10% offset

      The offset is minor and the note itself is about $25.00.

    38. I came across a $10 1950 E series, #G69187890H. What caught my attention was a small line at the centre-top of the note. Does this have any significance?

    39. $10 1950 E series, #G69187890H. What caught my attention was a small line at the centre-top of the note.

      Without seeing the line it is hard to say.
      The bill itself is about $50.00

    40. I have 200 $1 bills that are star notes and the serial # L05744001 THRU L05744200 SERIES 2006. Could you please tell me what the value would be?

    41. $1 bills that are star notes and the serial # L05744001 THRU L05744200 SERIES 2006

      About $5.00 each in crisp-uncirculated.

    42. I have a $20 federal reserve note that is series j00110534 with a green star following... made at the fedeal reserve bank in kansas city, mo. w.a. juliau as treasurer and henry morgenthau jr as secretary of treasury

    43. I got a $50 series B 1950 on green says H00497724* and cough attention on the star at the end. Is this bill worth anything more than $50 ?

    44. $20 federal reserve note that is series j00110534 with a green star following

      What year?

    45. $50 series B 1950 on green says H00497724* about $85.00


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