
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Edgy Situation

Do you have a dollar coin and want to know how much it's worth? Leave a comment/question and I will do my best to find out the price and history for you.

On the quest to find one of every coin ever made from my change including varieties, sub-varieties, and errors I have come across more circulating dollars.

These two circulating presidential dollars are both from the Philadelphia mint, which is more common on the east coast. James Madison, 4th president issued in 2007 and John Tyler, 10th president issued in 2009.

So of the ten currently out I have the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 10th. 60% not bad considering the slow start to get circulating.

Some slight die cracks or die chips on the lettering but nothing exciting but it is the first time I notice them among golden dollar coins.

The topmost picture was taken with a camera the rest were done on a scanner still the color of these coins in real life is somewhere in between. Yes 5 years and I still can't get the settings for a true life image.
Notice anything else different?
Well since you can't really give hints on the internet I'll just say it. The motto IN GOD WE TRUST was placed back on the the front of the coin.

Originally the law called for both mottoes, the date, the mint mark, and small separating elements be incused on the edge. Then a small group of, how can I put this diplomatically, conservatives lobbied to change the law. The group felt there was a conspiracy to abolish the big G-O-D from society starting with coins. This of course is not true.

For collectors have edge lettering is unique and then edge-incused lettering is even more special and a great honor. That fell on deaf ears as certain common errors occurred and the edge letters went missing for about 0.01% of the dollars. This led to a bigger phonier brouhaha and pressure to move the motto.

The best image I could take of the edge lettering.

The top 2009-P John Tyler dollar has the lettering normal or head side up. Visible is E. PLURIBIS .
The bottom 2007-P James Madison dollar has the lettering upside-down or tails side up. Visible and upside-down is GOD WE or ǝʍ poƃ( capitalized of course) .

Here's the stats but be aware all mintage's are estimated and it may takes years to get an accurate count...
Type/Country: 1 Dollar-John Tyler / United States
Year: 2009 P (Edge normal)
Mintage: 43,540,000
Metal: 88.5% Copper, 6% Zinc, 3.5% Manganese, and 2% Nickel
Value: $1.00 in G-4
Type/Country: 1 Dollar-James Madison / United States
Year: 2007 P (Edge upside-down)
Mintage: 87,780,000
Metal: 88.5% Copper, 6% Zinc, 3.5% Manganese, and 2% Nickel
Value: $1.00 in G-4

Presidential Dollar Coin Release Schedule Courtesy of
President Years Served Release Date
2007 1 George Washington 1789-1797 February 15
2 John Adams 1797-1801 May 17
3 Thomas Jefferson 1801-1809 August 16
4 James Madison 1809-1817 November 15

2008 5 James Monroe 1817-1825 February 14
6 John Quincy Adams 1825-1829 May 15
7 Andrew Jackson 1829-1837 August 14
8 Martin Van Buren 1837-1841 November 13

2009 9 William Henry Harrison 1841 February 19
10 John Tyler 1841-1845 May 21
11 James K. Polk 1845-1849 August 20
12 Zachary Taylor 1849-1850 November 19

Do you have a dollar coin and want to know how much it's worth? Leave a comment/question and I will do my best to find out the price and history for you.


  1. It's truly incredible; the number of variations, variations of variations, variations of variations of variations etc. you can get nowadays.

  2. The coin world has lately gone a bit manic lately. There are some varieties that are so obscure and small that they can't be categorized let alone accurate valued.

  3. could you tell me how much a dollar coin of zachary taylor 1849 1850 worth

  4. dollar coin of zachary taylor 1849 1850 worth

    Just $1.00.

  5. Someone just paid me at my job with James K. Polk dollar coin, but I realized that the back is upside down. What I mean by this is that when you have Polk's head right side up, and then flip the coin over, the statue of liberty is upside down. Is this normal? If not, how much would this be worth? Thanks for your help!

  6. James K. Polk dollar coin, but I realized that the back is upside down. What I mean by this is that when you have Polk's head right side up, and then flip the coin over, the statue of liberty is upside down. Is this normal?

    That is normal it is called coin alignment and all U.S. coins do this.

  7. Dear friends,
    We have just received our 2009 James K Polk Golden Dollar back from PCGS. They have certified it as "Missing Edge Lettering" MS-65. Have you seen any other missing edge lettering errors for 2009? We are unable to locate any for the whole year of 2009. Please advise. We have pictures of the plain/smooth edge before we sent it in to PCGS, plus the coin in the PCGS slab.
    J Curry

  8. 2009 James K Polk Golden Dollar back from PCGS. They have certified it as "Missing Edge Lettering" MS-65. Have you seen any other missing edge lettering errors for 2009?

    Yes, on eBay for one Polk close to $5,000.00.
    On Heritage a 2009 Sac missing the edge lettering went unsold at $4,000.00.

    A few Taylors were found but never verified, they sold privately on a forum.

    A few Polk and Tyler partials have been sold for $20.

    The lack of confirmed sales is mainly because collectors are afraid a flood of 2009 Missing Edge errors will hit the market next year. It happens all the time.

  9. I have two p john tyler coins. One the edge lettering is readable when his head is facing up, the other coin is readable when lady liberty is facing up. Does that matter or is one of them rare?
    v king

  10. two p john tyler coins. One the edge lettering is readable when his head is facing up, the other coin is readable when lady liberty is facing up

    No they are made both ways and they do not add value either way.

  11. I have a $100 dollar bill that has a border that's too big. It was miscut so where you can actually see the other bill that was on top of it. Is it worth anything?

  12. $100 dollar bill that has a border that's too big. It was miscut so where you can actually see the other bill that was on top of it.

    Minor Faulty Alignment error it's about $200.00.

  13. I have a John Tyler token coin in gold. Really good condition. Was wondering if you could give me any information on it?

  14. John Tyler token coin in gold. Really good condition

    Never heard of this kind of token if real gold it is just the gold value.

  15. i have a zachery taylor coin and the image on the back is upside down. I was wondering how much would the coin be worth?

  16. zachery taylor coin and the image on the back is upside down.

    If you mean it does not have coin alignment and instead it has medal alignment then this is a rotated reverse error.

    It's about $225.00

  17. Hi my name is nick I got a William Harrison presidential dollar with two stamps and need to know much its worth message me back at

  18. William Harrison presidential dollar with two stamps

    I do not understand what you mean.

    Please describe in detail or place a photo online and link it here.

  19. I have a 2007 p mint George Washington gold dollar that is not gold on either side.It seems to be missing outer clad. Does this have any greater value?

  20. 2007 p mint George Washington gold dollar that is not gold on either side.It seems to be missing outer clad

    Double Missing Clad error about $1,500.00 if circulated.

    Needs to be verified in hand or graded, in the meanwhile weighing it should help. Anything less than 8.10 grams is a good sign.

  21. Hi, I have a George Washington gold circulated $1 coin with edge lettering. How much is it worth?

  22. George Washington gold circulated $1 coin with edge lettering

    Just $1.00

  23. 2009 john tyler D series has a star on the side how much is it worth

  24. 2009 john tyler D series has a star on the side

    Just $1.00

  25. Hello, I have a question about a 2009 William Henry Harrison dollar coin I have. IT is not gold in color? I cannot find any other presidential coins like it. Do you know anything about it? It is silver in color.

  26. Hi i have john tyler $1 coin ..can i ask how much the value of this coin..thanks in andvance :)

  27. Hi I have a 1789/1797 first president George Washington how much is it worth


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