
Monday, June 18, 2007

Doubled Dime

Do you have an error coin and want to know its value? Leave a comment/question and I will do my best to find out the price and history for you.

Look on the the left hand side of this 1981-P dime and you will see that nearly all the letters have a doubling.

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This is an error coin but not a particularly ideal one, most like to say it is damaged. It is known as MDD (Machine Doubling Damage) or strike doubling. The classification, at least in the old error book, is V-B-1 meaning it is the first listed after mint damage on a coin.

Real doubling occurs on the die and is transfered to the coin. MDD occurs when the die bounces or slides on the coin.

The easiest way to identify a MDD is because of the flatness of the doubling and it is on the field of the coin. Usually in real doubling there is a roundness to the doubled part also it is often on the design not the field.

There are also some minor die cracks as this must of been a late stage die.

As for value...well it is not quite clear. According to most it adds no extra value because it is so common but I have seen them sell for a premium especially when the doubling is large. I'm sure I can put it on eBay and get $10.00.

Here are the stats...
Type/Country: 10 Cents/United States
Year: 1981P
Mintage: 676,650,000
Metal: 91.67% Copper, 8.33% Nickel
Value: $0.20 (I'm pretty sure it has more value but it need to properly attributed)

Do you have an error coin and want to know its value? Leave a comment/question and I will do my best to find out the price and history for you.


  1. Is there such a thing as a 1956 wheat penny with an extra I in Liberty?

  2. Yes these are know as BIE varieties because the often look like they say LIBIERTY.

    I blogged about this HERE they are die breaks found all over cents from the 1950s.

    It was once very collectible but too many were found and they are know common. On average they are anywhere from $1.00 to $20.00 depending on condition.

  3. Thanks for the previous info. Is this penny one of them, and if so how do you rate the condition, and it's worth?

    Thanks in advance.

  4. Sorry link didn't work here's the correct one

  5. Both pictures should up fine, the pictures are great.

    That is a classic BIE variety and the coin is nice and red with luster I say at least MS-63.

    About $4.50 this error is very common and sometimes eBay is flooded with them.

  6. I have a 1992-D double die Lincoln Cent. the date has nice doubling also some extra pillars in the memorial. dou you have any ide the value? also I have a couple of 2006-D double dates Jefferson Nickel (the new one)

  7. Again it depends on weather the doubling is real or Machined.

    If it machined then nothing extra.

    I know only one Doubled Die for 1992-D it is about 10.00 in about-uncirculated.

    The 2006-D became well known and sell for about $20.00 and the value is falling as more are discovered.

    Again good pictures are needed to make sure you don't have a worthless coin.

  8. i have a 1948 coin like this one with a D on the left side of the "torch", about how much would it be worth?

  9. 1948 coin like this one with a D

    1948-D dime is about $1.20 mostly for the silver content.

  10. Hi again, I have a Canadian nickel dated 1960. It isn't round like the others, it has edges like a loonie, but the edgesn are more noticeble.

  11. Canadian nickel dated 1960

    It's normal to be 12 sided.
    Maybe it seems so sharp because it's in a high grade at least XF which is about $0.20.

  12. I have a dime like this and it will not work in any vending machine, does that make it worth anything?

  13. dime like this and it will not work in any vending machine,

    It should still work in machines.

    Can you weigh it? Also what's the year?

    If it has doubling then no extra value but it may be off-metal.

  14. It is the same year and mint as yours (1981p)without the doubing, it is in very good condition but I dont have anything to weigh it with. I have tried to use this dime in at least 5 different vending machines and it just goes right through and out the coin return.

  15. (1981p)without the doubing,

    The only thing I can think is it's off-metal. The vending machines work either by weighing the coin or by getting it's magnetic frequency.

    Hold on to it until you can weigh it. Also look at the edge you should see some copper metal in between the nickel metal. If not that may explain it.

  16. Hello, I have been going through my coins lately and I noticed a 1973 dime that has a shrunken and slightly raised 3 on it. There is also no D or P on it like there should be, but there is a little bump below the neck... Is this worth much? I am comparing this to a 2003 dime and I now see that the head looks a lot bigger... wow

  17. 1973 dime that has a shrunken and slightly raised 3 on it. There is also no D or P on it like there should be, but there is a little bump below the neck...

    The P was not added until 1980 so yours is from Philadelphia.

    Slight variations on the date is common I know of no errors for 1973.

    The bump under the neck is the designers initial JS.

    This is just a dime. Sorry.

  18. i have a 1992 dime with a d mark on it. It is slightly smaller than a regular dime, and has what looks like a raised copper edge covering up some of the lableling. Could you tell me what you know about this coin. Thanks

  19. i have a 1969 double die penny worth anything?

  20. 1992 dime with a d mark on it. It is slightly smaller than a regular dime, and has what looks like a raised copper edge covering up some of the lableling

    Sounds like either a broadstrike or finned rim error. It's starts at $5.00 but it needs to be graded to know what it's true value.

    1969 double die penny
    This one is common about $1.00 if the doubling is extreme it may go for hundreds but I never seen a genuine one for 1969.



    Sounds like some sort of counterstamp damage, but it still has a metal value of about $0.74

  23. I have a dime that looks like the rim is a penny. Copper in color, smooth and thicker than the dime. It looks like you stuck a dime in a copper ring.

  24. dime that looks like the rim is a penny. Copper in color, smooth and thicker than the dime. It looks like you stuck a dime in a copper ring.

    Sounds like a bad planchet the copper core is leaking out. It should be weighed because if the weight is off it would bring in about $100.00

  25. I have all 50 uncirculated state quarters plated in 24 karat gold how much could i sell it for

  26. 50 uncirculated state quarters plated in 24 karat gold

    Maybe $20 - $25. For collectors these are damaged but as art they may have a little above face value.

  27. I have a 1973 penny on one side (Lincoln's Head) and on the back is the back of a dime. The dime is situated inside the penny. It does not look like a person could have done this.

  28. 1973 penny on one side (Lincoln's Head) and on the back is the back of a dime.

    I've found three of these they're all fake.
    Great fakes done with drills and it's very difficult to separate but still fake.

  29. I have a gold color 1992 D dime is it worth anything?

  30. gold color 1992 D dime

    No extra value, it is gold-plated which for collectors means damaged.

  31. I have a 1943 penny, bottom of one piece of wheat looks like it was "blown" south from the wheat stalk and ended up towards rim, i.e. it looks like someone is blowing from bottom tip of wheat to the piece of wheat broken off like an outword spray of sorts. Have you seen and worth anything?

  32. WAIT, after looking through microscope, 1943 penny, bottom tip of wheat was dragged/slid (with drag marks) with tip of stalk literally touching rim and other end slightly curved towards other wheat.

  33. 1943 penny, bottom tip of wheat was dragged/slid (with drag marks) with tip of stalk literally touching rim and other end slightly curved towards other wheat.

    Sounds like damage which has no extra value.

  34. I have a dime from 1981 with what looks to be a raised copper edge around the dime almost covering some of the words on it. It is the color of a normal dime other then the "copper" edge. One problem that I am having is there is the JS under the neck towards the bottom of the coin.. I know what that is...but there is no letter for the coin its pretty much just a raised bit of metal almost like a brail bump....other then those 2 flaws the coin seems to be an ordinary dime...

    So just the raised copper edge covering letters and the brail type bump...would love some answers...recently found this in step mothers mothers belongings given to us :-D

  35. raised copper edge covering letters and the brail type bump.

    Sounds like slightly off center or partial collar error. It can also be a bad planchet with less than 5% of the copper core showing. Even without seeing the coin these are minor errors and would be somewhere between $1 or $10 depending on grade.

    The JS being a bump is just a weak strike which lowers the value but may indicate a partial collar error.

  36. I have the 1973 one dime about what should count? is exactly as above

  37. sorry that post again, I have seen the mark is in the bottom JS

  38. 1973 one dime about what should count? is exactly as above

    This happens a lot on dimes and unless the side is fully copper it holds little value.
    Also it must be uncirculated with full bands on the back torch with no sign of wear.

  39. I have 2005 dime that has a faint outline of an extra leaf between the branch and the torch on the back. Is it worth anything?

  40. 2005 dime that has a faint outline of an extra leaf between the branch and the torch on the back

    This is either a Die Clash or Machine Doubling it has no extra value.

  41. I found a 1988 dime that seems to be stamped deeper than normal dimes, i'm not sure if it's double die or deep pressed.

  42. 1988 dime that seems to be stamped deeper than normal dimes, i'm not sure if it's double die or deep pressed.

    It was probably stamped twice which is known as Machine Doubling and this is very common and has no extra value.

  43. I have an 2 unusual coin one is a 196? maybe a 7 or a 5 dime and the is a 1965 25 cent quarter. What make so unusual is that it feels really light, and all around the the rim it is split. You can see the ridges in between. Put it this way it look like some one just glued the 2 side together. Its not 2 quarter glued together. Do any body know about what I have? It came out of a roll of quarters I had got for laundry. And the dime I have is smaller than a regular size dime. Its even lighter,thinner as well. The details visually is smeared and the letters and numbers are a little thicker than normal this is why I can't tell what is the last number of the year is. It Look like it couldn't fit on it. Is it worth keeping? Thanks! J.Masina

  44. I have an 2 unusual coin

    By the description it's hard to tell but the first thing to do if you suspect an error is to weigh both of them with a scale that has 0.01 gram accuracy.

    Second take a good image of both coins and both sides.

    Without these both coin sound like weak strikes or just damaged.

  45. Thank You for getting back with me. Sorry for the typing skills I had provided for you. I was at work and just getting off. I was in a rush to getting home. Any how to give a better details of the quarter. I had seen another on-line but it was totaly different from mines. The one I saw actually look like 2 quarters glued together, but it didn't have any reed's around it. Mines looks like the reed's is sunk in between the 2 sides all around. I was told something about the copper being leaked out. How ever I will do what you say and get back with you soon. Thank you again. J.Masina

  46. Mines looks like the reed's is sunk in between the 2 sides all around.

    This one line reminds me of something called a Partial Collar error. These can be about $50 or less in mint state. Still it needs to be well photographed.



    I'm not sure.
    If this is a silver coin it's about $30.00.
    If this is a paper note it's about $3.00.

    If you had a picture it would help.

  49. i have a dime that was miss stamped coin instead of the head and the bush being exactly upside-down of eachother its at a 30 degree angle of what its supose to be

  50. dime that was miss stamped coin instead of the head and the bush being exactly upside-down of eachother its at a 30 degree angle

    This is a Rotated Die error it has been a while since I've seen an auction for 30 degree dimes but it's about $5.00 in circulated.

  51. hi
    i have a 1981 dime how much is it worth

  52. I have two dimes one is a 2008 D and the other I am not sure of the year or the mint they are both much smaller then a regular dime and both have a copper edge around them, are they worth anything?

  53. two dimes one is a 2008 D and the other I am not sure of the year or the mint they are both much smaller then a regular dime and both have a copper edge around them

    They sound damaged and would not bring any extra value.

    If you still suspect an error you must weigh them and take good pictures so that any online expert can properly evaluate them.

  54. Is there a 1992 D double die penny? I know that
    i have one.How much would it be worth?

  55. Is there a 1992 D double die penny?

    There are at least 2 varieties that are well known both are about $3.00 in good.

  56. i have an 1965 dime with a line through the cheek all the way to the end of the coin and I have a 1971 dime with the "In God we Trust" it is not centered (the "we" is at the very corner of the dime) are either of these worth anything?

  57. 1965 dime with a line through the cheek all the way to the end of the coin
    This sounds like a Die Crack it has no extra value.

    1971 dime with the "In God we Trust" it is not centered (the "we" is at the very corner of the dime)
    This sounds like an Off-Center cent but less then 15% so it has no extra value.

  58. what if my 1965 dime is silver?

  59. what if my 1965 dime is silver?

    A 1965 silver dime error should be weighed first to see if it is a true error.

    If real one of these sold in 2003 for $9,000.00 since then the value has tripled, although too many fakes or other types of errors have flooded the market.

  60. Hi, I was looking through a roll of dimes when I encountered this dime. It looks like a mint error, but it could be damage. Here are the pics. Please reply!

    Below: obverse veiw


    Below: rim view


    Thanks in advance!

  61. roll of dimes when I encountered this dime. It looks like a mint error, but it could be damage.

    This looks like damage.

    The closest error it could be would be Lamination but judging by the angle and the reeding it looks like someone sliced it after minting.

  62. im curious about this dime i found about 5 years ago value and how it might have got this way?
    thanks joe

  63. dime i found about 5 years ago value and how it might have got this way?

    It's about $1.15 all I see is damage and what looks like harsh cleaning so all it has is metal value.

  64. I have a 1983 D dime that is off center. The lettering on the lower portion of the dime is obscured because of it. What would this be worth?

  65. 1983 D dime that is off center. The lettering on the lower portion of the dime is obscured because of it.

    Sounds like a minor off-center error, no extra value.

  66. I have a 2009 P Dime that appears to have doubling on the front (on Liberty) and on the back (on United States of America). Also, the front seems to have been struck through maybe grease around the edge because the top half Liberty is cut off, the In and We in In God We Trust are barely visible, and the tail is cut off the 9 on the 2009.

    Also, I have a North Carolina state quarter without a mint mark, maybe also struck through grease.

    Any help on the value or whether my assumptions were right would be great.

  67. 2009 P Dime that appears to have doubling on the front (on Liberty) and on the back (on United States of America). Also, the front seems to have been struck through maybe grease around the edge because the top half Liberty is cut off, the In and We in In God We Trust are barely visible, and the tail is cut off the 9 on the 2009.
    Sounds exactly like a deteriorated die which has no extra value.

    North Carolina state quarter without a mint mark, maybe also struck through grease.
    Sounds right but this is so common among State quarters that there is no extra value, but I would hold on to it until someone can see it in person under high magnification. Just in case.

  68. I found this dime in my change and it looks funny. I think it may be damaged, but it looks a little different than damage. I took some prints so here they are.





    thank you

  69. dime in my change and it looks funny. I think it may be damaged, but it looks a little different than damage.

    It is just damaged, sorry.

  70. Hi again, thanks for telling me that the dime pictures I showed you on February 10 was either damage or lamination. I took it to a coin dealer and it was a Lamination error. Do you enjoy doing this research for other people? Anyways, I have had this 1941-D Mercury dime for a while and always thought it was a "target" for a gun, but after seeing all these odd errors, I wouldn't be surprised if it was an error. Here are the pictures.



    Thank you so much in advance! =D

  71. 1941-D Mercury dime for a while and always thought it was a "target" for a gun, but after seeing all these odd errors, I wouldn't be surprised if it was an error.

    Again it does look like damage but...

    It could be a defective planchet because when a coin is minted with a missing piece or "hole" on one end then the other end should be flat. This is called the "Blakesley Effect" google that.

    That is true with yours.

    It could be a Ragged Clip error.

    Some helpful links...

  72. Hi, I have a 1965 dime coin with the two faces pointing in opposite directions. The reverse of the coin is perfectly upside down in relation to the face. In other words they are 180 degrees different to each other (sorry to explain in such a tedious way but it's a hard thing to describe without a pic and wanted to make sure you'd get it!) Could it be worth anything?

    Thanks a lot.


  73. 1965 dime coin with the two faces pointing in opposite directions. The reverse of the coin is perfectly upside down in relation to the face. In other words they are 180 degrees different to each other (sorry to explain in such a tedious way but it's a hard thing to describe without a pic and wanted to make sure you'd get it!)

    If you mean when holding the dime with the face in the correct postion and then flip the coin left or right and the back is upside down that is normal.

  74. Hi it's Andy again, after I asked my question I thought I'd do a bit of research elsewhere first to see if I could find the answer (I'm from England and found the dime in my Aunt's house, and the first American coin I'd ever seen). I soon found that the coin was normal, then got disappointed and waited for your reply haha, thanks anyway!


  75. Hi i found this dime and it looks like something got in the way when it was being minted and split the side. the reverse holds the impression. i took some pictures so i hope they help


    and the imprressoin side


  76. found this dime and it looks like something got in the way when it was being minted and split the side. the reverse holds the impression.

    This is damage, were it mint damage it would have doubling.
    No extra value.

  77. Hi, A while ago I found a 1970 D dime that has an edge that isn't reeded and is raised higher than in a normal dime. Is this worth anything?

  78. 1970 D dime that has an edge that isn't reeded and is raised higher than in a normal dime.

    Sound like normal wear or damage, no extra value.

  79. I own a 1997 P dime that on the obverse you can barely see the rim. There is no rim on the right side of Roosevelt's head. However, on the left side, above the word "LIBERTY", you can see some what of the rim lining the word. I this an error and how much is it worth?

    - Thanks

  80. 1997 P dime that on the obverse you can barely see the rim.

    Common not a true error, it has no extra value.

  81. I have a 1981 dime mint marked D. It has a crack in it that follows up the back of the presidents head. The crack goes all the way threw the coin. It looks as if it was stamped to hard. Does this make it worth any more?

  82. 1981 dime mint marked D. It has a crack in it that follows up the back of the presidents head. The crack goes all the way threw the coin.

    Die cracks are common on dimes a rim to rim crack is the most sought after but they still average about $5.00.
    It depends a lot on eye appeal but some big cracks do sell for hundreds.

  83. i have a 1973 dime and the usu on the back are gone and there is no glimpseof letters ever being there

  84. 1973 dime and the usu on the back are gone and there is no glimpseof letters ever being there

    Sounds like damage, no extra value.

  85. I have a 1981 dime that is copper colored but otherwise looks like a dime. how much is it worth. I also have a 1935 dime that has lady liberty on it and a 1957 mickle that bows inward slightly. how
    much are they worth?

  86. 1981 dime that is copper colored but otherwise looks like a dime.
    It could be an but it must weighed to find out.

    1935 dime about $1.50

    1957 mickle that bows inward slightly.
    If you mean nickel it is damaged and has no extra value.

  87. Hi i have a 1965 silver (99.999% sure) U.S. dime and on it it's written "God we trust" instead of "in God we trust" the dime is not worn-out it just seems missing and the design is identical on both sides (identical on both sides but upside down) How much is it worth? Thanks and have a great day.

  88. 1965 silver (99.999% sure) U.S. dime and on it it's written "God we trust" instead of "in God we trust" the dime is not worn-out it just seems missing and the design is identical on both sides (identical on both sides but upside down)

    This sounds like a fake...
    It should not be silver try weighing it.
    Also a dime with two faces is almost impossible so it sounds like a Magician's coin no extra value.

  89. I have a 2001 dime that the one is just barely visible. Like it did not press hard enough. Is it worth anything?

  90. 2001 dime that the one is just barely visible. Like it did not press hard enough.

    It could be one of two errors.

    1- a Struck Through Grease error with no extra value.

    2- A Die Adjustment Strike worth something if it looks like this...

  91. Hi, I have a 1983 roosevelt dime with a double date. the 8 and 3 look as is they were stamped twice. also the 9 is very slightly as well. I have looked all over the internet but cannot find anything on it. What can you tell me about it??

  92. 1983 roosevelt dime with a double date. the 8 and 3 look as is they were stamped twice. also the 9 is very slightly as well.

    This sounds like machine doubling which happens when the coin is pressed and accidentally bounces and gets a 2nd pressing. No extra value.

    It could be a Doubled Die which is a different type when the die has a double image and it transfer to the coin, these are rare and worth more.

    To know the difference an expert should see it or take great close-up pictures.

  93. I've got a funny Roosevelt Dime where the head is upside's from 1982 with a P.
    How much can it be worth?

  94. Roosevelt Dime where the head is upside's from 1982 with a P.

    I'm not sure what you mean.
    Is the front of the coin not aligned with the back? Like a Rotated Die error?

    Or is Roosevelt upside while the words around him are right side up?

  95. Well is like this...

    And the other one like this:

    So it's an 180 degree error...
    I did not see it on the side you suggested.

  96. So it's an 180 degree error...

    It is not listed in any of the Rotated Reverse error sites or magazines.

    So with nothing to comparing I can only guess it would be about $200 based on other 180 degree coins.

    Of course from your great pictures I can't confirm if it is rotated or not.

  97. I have a dime with a copper ring around it. There is no break in the ring. Is it worth any money?

  98. dime with a copper ring around it. There is no break in the ring.

    Partial Missing Clad Layer error it's about $5.00.

  99. I have a 1969 quarter that is missing the copper ring around the edge; that leaves an indent on the sides between two small ridged where the copper usually is, can you tell me anything about it?

  100. 1969 quarter that is missing the copper ring around the edge; that leaves an indent on the sides between two small ridged where the copper usually is

    Sounds like damage, someone scraped it out.

    Maybe a picture would be helpful because I may not be fully understanding the error.

  101. 1992 canadin quarter with a double date on the front beside the moose head

  102. 1992 canadin quarter with a double date on the front beside the moose head just $0.25

  103. I have a 1969 double die penny with the lincoln memorial and parts of the united states of america printed on the front aligned up and down over lincolns image with a dent in the top right hand side of the coin caused in production I assume. I doubt it has any great value I am simply curious as to how this defect came about. Any info you can give would be great, thanks. It is a denver mint by the way.

  104. 1969 double die penny with the lincoln memorial and parts of the united states of america printed on the front aligned up and down over lincolns image with a dent in the top right hand side of the coin

    Sounds like a Die Clash error made when the dies that presses the coins hit each other instead leaving an impression on the other die and then that gets transfered to the coin.
    No extra value, very common.

    But the second image should be reversed if not then I would have to see it to make sure it is not something else.

  105. I recently found a 2002 dime with the lining of a penny. The dime is much smaller than a regular dime and although the rim of it looks like a penny, it is thicker than a penny. The rim is copper color. I can't find any information on this kind of coin.

  106. 2002 dime with the lining of a penny. The dime is much smaller than a regular dime and although the rim of it looks like a penny, it is thicker than a penny. The rim is copper color

    Sounds liked a spooned coin.

    The dime is made with nickel layers and a copper center, some people take and smash the edge of the coin to make it thicker and make a ring, this is called spooning.

  107. Oh I would add, no extra value.

  108. I have many coins with issues and have nowhere to get information on them, if I were to send them all out to PCGS I would go broke, I sent one penny out and it cost me one hundred dollars.The dealers around here are not really a help at all, any suggestions would be appreciated.
    Thank you Schnauz

  109. I have many coins with issues and have nowhere to get information on them,

    True about PCGS unless you are sure the coin is of high value don't bother.

    You can try joining a local coin club or a coin forum like...

    If you want post some pictures somewhere and link them here and maybe I can help.
    Or describe the "issues" you are having and I can help.

  110. I got a penny that was from 1888. It has an indian head on it. Is it worth anything?

  111. penny that was from 1888. It has an indian head on it about $3.00

  112. I have come across a 1965 dime (vending machine kept spitting it out). It doesn't seem to be pure silver but it feels different in way. What would be the reason for that? Thank you.

  113. 1965 dime (vending machine kept spitting it out). It doesn't seem to be pure silver but it feels different in way. What would be the reason for that?

    Weigh it, it may be an error.

  114. Ok, silly question....but how do I weigh it?


  115. Ok, silly question....but how do I weigh it?

    Great question, you need a gram scale that has 0.01 accuracy. This may take a long time

    I had to buy this one but if you know a jeweler or someone who weighs their own food it may help.

  116. Thank you very much for the information on a scale. Hopefully I can find a way to weigh it this weekend.


  117. I have a Liberty 2000 D dime that has heads on both sided, One side is regular and the other is side is inverted. The space between the head and words on the inverted side is thinner than on the regular side. Is this coin real and how valuable is it if it is?

  118. 2000 D dime that has heads on both sided, One side is regular and the other is side is inverted. The space between the head and words on the inverted side is thinner than on the regular side. Is this coin real

    Fake, it has no extra value.

  119. I have a 1920-d Mercury Dime Error. Rotated Die 180 Degrees in good condition.can you tell me the value of it.

  120. 1920-d Mercury Dime Error. Rotated Die 180 Degrees in good condition

    About $150.00 in good (G-4)

  121. Hi, I have a BU roll of 1955 S dimes that the lettering on some of the reverses is completely faded out. Thanks, Tim

  122. BU roll of 1955 S dimes that the lettering on some of the reverses is completely faded out.

    Either Struck Through Grease error or Late Stage Dies, either way no extra value, about $2.50 each. These can not really be BU if the back does not show sharp detail.

  123. I have a 1970 dime and it looks like the stamping of LIBERTY and In God We Trust are offset to the left. The LIBERTY merges in with the ri m of the penny and the I and the W in In God We Trust are half cut off

  124. 1970 dime and it looks like the stamping of LIBERTY and In God We Trust are offset to the left. The LIBERTY merges in with the ri m of the penny and the I and the W in In God We Trust are half cut off

    Minor Off-Center error, no extra value.

  125. 1981 dime and the l in liberty along with the we i seem to be slightly cut off

  126. i have a 1981 dime and the l along with the we seem to be not stamped hard enough they are just barley visable

  127. 1981 dime and the l in liberty along with the we i seem to be slightly cut off

    If you mean the entire coin is off-center about $2.00.

  128. 1981 dime and the l along with the we seem to be not stamped hard enough they are just barley visable

    Struck Through Grease or weak strike error, either way no extra value.

  129. 1981 dime with a small dot above the date where the p or d should be

  130. 1985 nickle the outermost of the coin is slightly more elevated than the rest of the coin

  131. 1981 dime with a small dot above the date where the p or d should be

    Sounds like a Struck Through Grease error, no extra value.

  132. 1985 nickle the outermost of the coin is slightly more elevated than the rest of the coin

    Sounds normal, no extra value.

  133. 2001 quarter says in god we rust

  134. 1989 p dime
    Partial Collar coin

  135. 1937 buffalo nickle two feather error

  136. 2001 quarter says in god we rust

    Struck Through Grease error, no extra value.

  137. 1989 p dime
    Partial Collar coin

    About $5.00 in fine, up to $100 in high mint state.

  138. 1937 buffalo nickle two feather error

    From what I understand no true Two Feather Varieties have been graded for 1937 but a few have been seen.
    Still these bring little, about $5.00 on average. Prices have dropped for this variety.

  139. 1943 copper wheat penny

  140. 2010 shield penny capped

  141. 1943 copper wheat penny

    Weigh it to see if what type of error.

  142. 2010 shield penny capped

    About $40.00 but a lot depends on eye appeal.

  143. I have a 1989 Dime that looks like it's edge all the way around is some kind of over sized copper ring/edge. It's edge is very pronounced and is the reason I first took notice of it many years ago. Any idea?

  144. 1989 Dime that looks like it's edge all the way around is some kind of over sized copper ring/edge. It's edge is very pronounced and is the reason I first took notice of it many years ago.

    Minor Missing Clad Layer error if has eye appeal about $2.00 but generally not too much resale value.

  145. Well it took me awhile but I finally got my 1965 dime weighed. It weighs 2.3g


  146. 1965 dime weighed. It weighs 2.3g

    This is the normal weight for a 1965 dime.
    It is clad, if it looks silver on the edge it might have been plated.
    Still no extra value.

  147. I have two *one dollar* silver coins dated 1896 and 1881. Do you know what an estimated value would be?

  148. *one dollar* silver coins
    1896 about $32.00
    1881 about $35.00

  149. I have a 2006 dime that appears to be mostly copper covered with some nickel as well. the face side is almost all copper while the other side is about half copper half nickel. It says 2006 D, not sure if that means anything. Do coins with this error exist and if so is it worth anything? Thanks for your help !

  150. I also have a 1950 dime that appears to be silver not nickel, any story or value there?

  151. 2006 dime that appears to be mostly copper covered with some nickel as well. the face side is almost all copper while the other side is about half copper half nickel. It says 2006 D, not sure if that means anything.

    It sounds like a Missing Clad error about $150.00 but it may change on condition.

    It should be weighed to make sure that it wasn't plated.

  152. 1950 dime that appears to be silver

    Yes this is normal.
    All pre-1965 dimes are made of silver.

    It's about $3.15

  153. Thanks so much for the information, what weight would the 2006 dime need to have to validate that it is a missing clad error?

  154. what weight would the 2006 dime need to have to validate that it is a missing clad error?

    Less than 2.27 grams.

  155. I have a 2003D Dime with a half of a circle line on bottom and runs through lower half of the 3 on the date. Th back side is a little off center. Trying to figure out value.

  156. 2003D Dime with a half of a circle line on bottom and runs through lower half of the 3 on the date. Th back side is a little off center.

    Sounds like a Mis-Aligned Die error with damage, no extra value.

  157. i have a 1997 Dime with doubled d mint mark. I can't find another one. Are you familiar with this? Thank you.

  158. 1997 Dime with doubled d mint mark

    I have not found any listing for this but in general these are just a few dollars above face.

    It may also be a D/D variety which may add more value but it would have to be verified.

    These are seen often the problem is that even if real they have low value and are not graded. Since they are not graded they can not be verified. It is silly circle that keeps info and value low.

  159. I have a 1981 dime that is copper with about 20% of the surface having an alloy on the surface the outer ring is completely copper. It looks exactly like a dime should except in copper.

  160. Also forgot to add that appears to be thicker and larger than a regular dime.

  161. 1981 dime that is copper with about 20% of the surface having an alloy on the surface the outer ring is completely copper...appears to be thicker and larger than a regular dime.

    Sounds like a Partial Missing Clad Layer error about $10-$20 depends a lot on eye appeal.

    That said the shape is concerning, being thicker and larger is a sign of a fake or another type of error.

    Can you weigh it? Normal dimes should weigh 2.27 grams.

  162. I have a dime where the date is missing the last number (196?) and on the left side the "In" and the "We" is totally obscure (rather missing more like it) so it just reads "God Trust" The word Liberty is totally against the side. Is this worth anything other than 10 cents?

  163. dime where the date is missing the last number (196?) and on the left side the "In" and the "We" is totally obscure (rather missing more like it) so it just reads "God Trust" The word Liberty is totally against the side. Is this worth anything other than 10 cents?

    Struck through Grease error, no extra value.

    That said if it is silver it will have $2.25 silver value. Check the edge for copper or silver.

  164. A friend of mine was handed some change in the store and got home to seperate his change and noticed he had a "Double-sided Copper 2005 P Dime"
    Was wondering if it could be worth much. It is thinner than a regular dime, and looks to be in very, very good condition. Any help is appreciated.

  165. "Double-sided Copper 2005 P Dime"
    Was wondering if it could be worth much. It is thinner than a regular dime, and looks to be in very, very good condition.

    Both sides are copper and otherwise normal.

    Sounds like a Missing Clad Layer error about $200.00 it maybe more if graded mint state or better.

  166. 1999 dime regular front and back also 1999 lincoln cent front and back at 90 degrees.

  167. 1999 dime regular front and back just $0.10

    1999 lincoln cent front and back at 90 degrees
    About $15.00 for this rotated reverse assuming a high grade

  168. 1999 dime reg front and back overstuck with 1999 lincoln cent front and back at about 90 degrees to each other, Thanks

  169. 1999 dime reg front and back overstuck with 1999 lincoln cent front and back at about 90 degrees to each other,

    Oh I see.
    Double denomination error about $2,000.00 but many fakes exist.

    Here is a good link of a unique example...

    Without good pictures the only way to find out if this is a real error is to have it graded.

    Or ask Fred Weinberg since he has dealt with these errors.

  170. I have a 2005 canadian quarter and I noticed there is an indentation made where the date is. The 2 "0" 0 5 is where the indent is located and the 0 looks fine even though its indented ,could you tell me is this an error coin and the value?

  171. 2005 canadian quarter and I noticed there is an indentation made where the date is. The 2 "0" 0 5 is where the indent is located and the 0 looks fine even though its indented

    Sounds like damage or a Struck Through Grease error, no extra value either way.

  172. Have you heard of a 2007 canadian quarter with a gold colored around the edge on both sides if so would you know the value?

  173. sorry the date on the canadian quarter is 2001 with a gold colour around the edges on both sides.

  174. 2007 canadian quarter with a gold colored around the edge on both sides

    Either plated after minting or heated, either way it is damage, no extra value.

  175. sorry the date on the canadian quarter is 2001

    No change from original response.

  176. I have found a 1955 penny and I beleive its the no strap version , is there any other way to confirm its the no strap other then looking for the strap....can you put a value on the no strap version vs. the strap version.

  177. 1955 penny and I beleive its the no strap version , is there any other way to confirm its the no strap other then looking for the strap

    With strap the DEI font is straight and the I points to a denticle.

    Without straps the DEI font is flared and I points in between the denticles.

    1955 Canada cent with strap in fine about $0.10

    1955 Canada cent without strap in fine about $125.00

  178. Have a dime. No face or date. Has a back with a very raised rim. ???

  179. Have a dime. No face or date. Has a back with a very raised rim. ???

    Damaged this type of error is not possible.

  180. You say "damaged this type of error is not possible". How does it become damaged?

  181. How does it become damaged?

    Hundreds of ways from being smashed to someone shaving down one side to make jewelery or a magic coin.

    Why I say is not an error is because when minting a coin both sides are done at the same time. If the other side was missing or blocked by another coin then the coin would be distorted.
    Uniface error coins are technically called Die Caps here is a good side to show how they should look.
    Die Caps

    So it is not possible to have one side smooth and the other side fully pressed.

  182. It's looks like the die cap pictures you posted.

  183. It's looks like the die cap pictures you posted.

    Never posted any Die Caps pics but the link I shared does have good pics.

    Ok so if you have a Die Capped dime and the reverse is showing normally this is called a Reverse Die Cap it's about $200.00.

  184. I have a 1975 super bowl pgh steelers world champ coin with a football player on one side and a helmet on the other with (Super IX Bowl)on the helmet part. I could not find pics online that match my coin

  185. 1975 super bowl pgh steelers world champ coin with a football player on one side and a helmet on the other with (Super IX Bowl)on the helmet part

    Not a real coin. A coin would have value and a country.

    This is some type of medal, could have been made last year or back in 1975.
    Unless there are any mint marks or makers name it just has metal value.

  186. I have a 1997 P Dime that is missing the copper core, can you tell me the value of it.

  187. 1997 P Dime that is missing the copper core

    It has to be weighed to know what you really have and estimate value.

  188. I have 2005 dime with a capital M stamped over face. The flame on the torch is smudged. What's with that?

  189. 2005 dime with a capital M stamped over face. The flame on the torch is smudged.

    Sounds like a counter-stamp done by someone outside the mint, it is damage and has no extra value.

  190. I have a 1995 P dime that looks like there is an extra leaf very clearly stamped on the top of the left tree.I send pics to different coin dealers/collectors.None heard of a error/variety like this on a dime.Some want me to send the dime for examination.My question:are there any known dimes with this type of error out there?

  191. 1995 P dime that looks like there is an extra leaf very clearly stamped on the top of the left tree.I send pics to different coin dealers/collectors.None heard of a error/variety like this on a dime.Some want me to send the dime for examination.My question:are there any known dimes with this type of error out there?

    Sounds like Machine Doubling, no extra value.

    That said I would also need to see the pictures, if you can post them online somewhere and drop a link here.

  192. How do I post pics on here?Is there a way to send them directly to you?

  193. How do I post pics on here?Is there a way to send them directly to you?

    You can't post them here.
    Again use a free photo site like imageshack and copy and paste the link.

  194. [IMG][/IMG]
    By [URL=]monika812[/URL] at 2011-12-10

    I tryed to download the pics on Imageshack....Hope you be able to view them.If not i have to try again.
    This is the 1995p extra leaf dime.

  195. I tryed to download the pics on Imageshack....Hope you be able to view them.If not i have to try again.
    This is the 1995p extra leaf dime.


    Thee has a few reports of extra leaves all turn out to be classified as die chips.

    Judging by the angle the "extra leaf" is making I would say it is a die chip, with unknown value low value. Also the fact others do not exist graded makes me lean toward die chip.

    But like the other guys it has to seen in hand. There seems to be no other doubling. If this is a new variety like the Wisconsin Quarter, which some say is also a die chip it may be worth hundreds but only under the right market conditions.

    Unfortunately you are back where you started, it must be seen by several experts in hand. Maybe ask a local coin club to help before spending money to have it graded.

    Sorry if none of this is useful.

  196. i just recently started to search for error/variety coins.Besides the 1995P dime ,i found many other coins.i also found 2 1998WAM and 1 2000 WAM.How much would they be worth right now?
    I also found a speared in the rear bison new nickel,a statequarter with cud on the rim and slightly hitting the design.

  197. 1998 WAM about $2.50 in extra-fine
    2000 WAM about $1.25 in extra-fine

    speared in the rear bison new nickel about $100.00 in XF but it should be verified

    state quarter with cud on the rim and slightly hitting the design about $4.00

  198. Hi...
    I found a 1984D nickel that looks like doubling om "UNITED STATES OF AMERIKA". Just dont know if its machine doubling or real doubling.Im sending a link of a pic on Imageshack.If its real....about how much would it be worth?
    Thank you very much.


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