
Thursday, October 13, 2005

Error Questions

Do you have an error coin and want to know its value? Leave a comment/question and I will do my best to find out the price and history for you.

Anonymous said...
Hi,My name is Tina Wilson.I have been holding on to this penny for a long time.It is a silver penny dated 1959.It is really shiny,but what is making me wonder about it -is that it has a rim around it.It is not like any other penny I have ever seen.The rim is making the edges of it rounded instead of flat.Could you please help me?Also,since I was a little girl my parents held a coin for me.They said that when I grow up I could have it.It is still at their house.It is about as big as a dollar coin and it has the pope on it.It is dated 1976 I think.What is that?
Question #1:
Your silver penny may be a real error this is done when a blank dime was pressed with penny dies. It is a rare example and the average Red Book value is $1,00000. A 1960 silver penny was recently sold on eBay for $90100.

Image is from the Fred Weinberg site and all rights are reserved for his company.

Here is an example from being sold for $2,15000. They have other examples for you to compare with here and there.

Question #2:
While many countries make Pope coins the only example of 1976 Pope Paul VI are medals which tend to be dollar size. The Pope medals ranges from $40-$90 in silver and ten times that price for gold.

To be sure I would have to see the coin/medal you can always take a picture or scan it and use a free site like flickr or imageshack or photobucket and leave a link in my comments section.

I hope this was helpful. One small problem is that fakes of both types exist as for the silver penny if it weighs 3.11 grams it maybe fake, if it weighs 2.50 grams you have the real thing.

Next we have...

Anonymous said...

It a very common error that occurs when grease clogs up the die here is an example from Coin World, the image links back to a more detailed state quarter error.

Most common on filled die errors are missing digits or letters such as the L in LIBERTY, or in your case the 1 in 1944.

These coins are rarely worth anything more then a few cents above the collector's value of a regular coin. So your 10¢ coin is at most now 20¢ probably 15¢.

Thanks Tina and other person for your visit, come back anytime.
Do you have an error coin and want to know its value? Leave a comment/question and I will do my best to find out the price and history for you.


  1. Hello Do you know anything about errors in dollar bills? I have a crisp one dollar bill 1981 that is stamped with an "E" on the front and also on the back.

  2. I need a picture to be more exact but it is possible, it is called Overprints on Back, it would also include a weak serial number along with the E.

    In crisp uncirculated it would be worth $250.00.

  3. I have a picture but how can I show you a picture? The normal cut and paste didn't work. After looking at it closer I see that the E is not stamped on both sides. It has actually bled through to the back. The E is very dark on the back and it is reversed. There are also four 5's that have bled they are reversed, also. The serial number is only visible on the front.

  4. Sounds like you have an Offset Error for one dollar bills its about $75 to $100.

    Here's a ten dollar example I used Imageshack to host the image and then the HTMl tags a and href

  5. I'll also make a post about this and include that picture I linked to.

  6. Hello

    I was wanting to find out if you would be able to help me
    I have 8 consecutive 20 dollar bills without the little 20 printed on the back of any of them
    I have enclosed a picture of the front of one and the back of another
    would you be able to tell me what they are worth
    any help would be greatly appreciated
    Thank You

    Error 20'S

  7. Belinda the error is a missing printing but I've never seen this one.

    I will ask some experts I know and get back to you.

  8. Hi, I have an Illinois state quarter that the reverse is a really dull gray color. Is this what is refered to as missing a clad layer.


  9. Illinois state quarter that the reverse is a really dull gray color. Is this what is refered to as missing a clad layer.

    No this may be a Sintered Error where the coin was left too long in the heat before pressing.

    A missing clad layer would be a shiny copper color.

  10. I read your blog about the 1959 silver penny and I was trying to get a better look at the image provided but I was unable to englarge it. I have a 1960 penny which is silver. I am not sure if it is the real thing - is there any particular way in which I might be able to tell if it is indeed real?

    Thanks for your help.

  11. I was reading the post about the 1959 silver penny and I was unable to enlarge the picture to get a better look at it. I found a 1960 silver penny. How would I be able to tell if this penny is indeed real? I saw your note about it weighing 2.50grams to possibly be real but where might I go to get it weighed? Thank you for any additional information you might have.

  12. 1959 silver penny and I was unable to enlarge the picture to get a better look at it. I found a 1960 silver penny. How would I be able to tell if this penny is indeed real? I saw your note about it weighing 2.50grams to possibly be real

    I had to buy a jewelers scale to do the same with some of my coins. A normal 1959-1960 cent should weigh 3.11 grams if the weight is close to this then someone just painted your coins.
    It must be at least 0.10 grams difference to be real.

  13. On my 1981 D penny, the second "1" is backwards. Is this common?

  14. 1981 D penny, the second "1" is backwards. Is this common?

    Not common. Not possible.
    This is some sort of damage, no extra value.

  15. I found a 1960 silver penny 8 years ago. It has no mint mark, it looks just like the picture on an earlier comment page (october 13, 2005) without the mint mark. anything would be helpful. -thankyou- ~ZEB~

  16. 1960 silver penny 8 years ago
    Since Oct. of 2005 many more have been found.

    The error is a blank silver dime accidentally getting put in the cent machine.
    To tell if yours is a real error or a painted fake you must weigh it.

    Painted fake weighs about 3.11 grams
    Real error weighs about 2.50 grams

    The link in the post to Fred Weinberg can help since he deals a lot in errors and may help in value or selling.
    On average ungraded they are about $1,000.00.

  17. i have a penny from 1927 i believe, im sorry i dont have the exact date its upstairs and im too lazy to look at it right now. but anyway, the D under the date is filled. there is no "dip" i guess is how i should put it.

  18. 1927 i believe, im sorry i dont have the exact date its upstairs and im too lazy to look at it right now. but anyway, the D under the date is filled.

    The filled D does not bring any extra value.
    It's about $0.20 in good.

  19. Hey. I have a New York state quarter. It is printed fine on the front but on the back, it is all flat copper except for in the middle there is a silver circle about a centimeter in circumference. I only know that it is a New York quarter because I can see the little part of the cliff thing or whatever it is and the little FR where the word "freedom" is supposed to be. How much would this be worth?

  20. New York state quarter. It is printed fine on the front but on the back, it is all flat copper except for in the middle there is a silver circle about a centimeter in circumference. I only know that it is a New York quarter because I can see the little part of the cliff thing or whatever it is and the little FR where the word "freedom" is supposed to be.

    This is damage. A real error would have a full imprint. Someone purposely drilled the back.
    It has no extra value.

  21. I have a 1959 silver dime without a letter D or any other letter on it above the date is this correct? Now the date and words are clear so it does not seem to be rubbed off. Texas

  22. 1959 silver dime without a letter D or any other letter on it above the date is this correct?

    The mintmark is on the reverse next to the torch under the RIB.
    Either way a D or blank it's about $1.50.

  23. I have a silver penny dated 1959. It does not have a mint letter on it.
    I was going to disreguard it however, it is so shiney. I read the previous posting in here. It is funny, it was the same year.
    where would I go to get it weighed, to see if it was a true error?

  24. silver penny dated 1959...where would I go to get it weighed

    You'll need to find a scale with 0.01g accuracy. This may be difficult maybe a friend or a local school can help.

    As you read these errors are possible but fakes covered in thin layers of silver also exist.

  25. Hi, I have a 1960 penny and the hole in the 9 in the date is filled in. Is this worth anything? Thanks

  26. 1960 penny and the hole in the 9 in the date is filled in

    This is common and known as a Die Chip or Die Break.
    It has no extra value.

  27. HI,I have a 1960 d mint penny with a die pit above the date.Any value.
    thanks, Gary

  28. 1960 d mint penny with a die pit above the date

    This is damage no extra value.

  29. hello, I have a 1975 mint set where both P and D bi-cent. quarters are missing the front lip of their drums. No other coins in the set have any kind of wear issues. Just wonding if anyone can shed some light on this. Thanks

  30. 1975 mint set where both P and D bi-cent. quarters are missing the front lip of their drums

    This sounds like a weak strike or die adjustment strike or just damage.

    Either way it has no extra value.

  31. Hi, I was given a penny today in payment and i noticed something strange about it right away. It is definitely a real penny, but upon touching it you can instantly tell it isnt normal. It is very, very shiny. This is weird because i have never seen a shiny penny before. What is even more weird is that it is from 1960. How can it be so shiny from so long ago? Upon touching it it feels like the edges are bigger and then fall off. Like the faces of the penny are deeper than the rim itself. After comparing it to a "regular" penny, it is also obvious that this penny is thicker than other pennies. On one last note, it seems like other pennies have rounded edges while this one doesnt.

  32. a real penny, but upon touching it you can instantly tell it isnt normal. It is very, very shiny. This is weird because i have never seen a shiny penny before. What is even more weird is that it is from 1960. How can it be so shiny from so long ago? Upon touching it it feels like the edges are bigger and then fall off. Like the faces of the penny are deeper than the rim itself. After comparing it to a "regular" penny, it is also obvious that this penny is thicker than other pennies. On one last note, it seems like other pennies have rounded edges while this one doesnt.

    Sounds like slightly off-center or out of collar, possibly even damage but either way no extra value.

    I have found cents from the 1950s that are still shiny it is normal. They really are not that old.

  33. well thank you. I just found it very weird that it is so gold and shiny and just different. either way I don't care if it has no extra value, it is just so cool :)

  34. i have a penny not sure the date with curved edge.
    the edge isnt at all flat like all other pennies but bowed out and silver in color
    is this a planchet error or just damage from someone messing around with it

  35. sorry I just dug out the penny it is a 1987 no mint mark (P mint) the roundedness goes from where the uplifted rim should be on the front all the way to the back.
    Also I look though a ton of pennies at a time from the local banks and notice a lot of pennies from the 80's with distinct striations and stripes across them like wear from something. What the heck caused that, was that just wear too or is it something the mints were messing up

  36. just dug it out....the date is 1987 with no mint mark
    the roundedness goes from where the rim of the coin should be on the front around to the back
    around the entire coin

  37. penny not sure the date with curved edge.
    the edge isnt at all flat like all other pennies but bowed out and silver in color...the date is 1987 with no mint mark

    Without a picture I can only conclude this is damage and the zinc core is showing, no extra value.

    a lot of pennies from the 80's with distinct striations and stripes across them like wear from something.
    This is actually in proper annealing of the metal it is common among early copper-plated zinc cents and late pure copper cents.
    Also happens when coins are cleaned.

  38. before i even try to figure out how to upload the picture can i ask if it is a possibility that the penny was messed up by a commercial cloths drier?
    that was something I just found on another site with a kind of similar looking penny

  39. before i even try to figure out how to upload the picture can i ask if it is a possibility that the penny was messed up by a commercial cloths drier?

    Use a free photo site then drop a link over here.

    And yes damage can be caused by a dryer but most likely a coin/jewelery cleaner that spins sand and soap and coins together.

  40. i have a 1987 silver penny, it is uncirculated, no scratches or marks. it looks like a brand new dime. i was wondering if it has any value, ive never seen one before. tyvm

  41. 1987 silver penny, it is uncirculated, no scratches or marks.

    It has to be weighed to find out what type of error.

  42. I have a 1988 D quarter, the edge is smooth and the edges are bowed up on BOTH sides, not just one side. It weighs the same as a quarter, but has a slightly smaller diameter. In-between the raised edges a nickel sits very nicely. The image is clear on both sides, nice details.

  43. 1988 D quarter, the edge is smooth and the edges are bowed up on BOTH sides, not just one side. It weighs the same as a quarter, but has a slightly smaller diameter. In-between the raised edges a nickel sits very nicely. The image is clear on both sides, nice details.

    Sounds like damage, it is typical of a spooned coin where someone is hammering/spooning the edges in order to make a ring.

  44. hi i have a 1981 penny with the mint mark stamped beside lincolns forehead near the top of the penny far above the date..i havent been able to find anything on this and any other penny i have seen has the mint mark below the date just wondering if this would be worth

  45. 1981 penny with the mint mark stamped beside lincolns forehead near the top of the penny far above the date

    That is because it is not possible, mintmarks are only found one place on the coin.

    It could be what is called a Dropped letter error but most likely it is damage of some sort.

    Maybe if you can take a picture it would be helpful.

  46. Hi, I have a 1975 D penny that is stamped off center on the face while the back is centered. Its in a make-shift case to protect it. I do have scans of the coin so you can see the defect. I've looked online for what it might be worth and no one seems to have an answer. Help/Suggestions.....E-mail:

  47. 1975 D penny that is stamped off center on the face while the back is centered.

    A true Off-Center would have both side off meaning this is either a fake or some tpe of damage.

  48. I have a 1960 D Penny. The "Liberty" is missing the letter E. It has not been worn off, it simply looks like it was never printed. Everything else is clear and easy to read

  49. 1960 D Penny. The "Liberty" is missing the letter E. It has not been worn off, it simply looks like it was never printed. Everything else is clear and easy to read

    Struck Through Grease error, no extra value above $0.03.

  50. I have a 1995-D penny error. The 'AM' and the 'ER' in AMERICA are very close together. What does this mean?

  51. 1995-D penny error. The 'AM' and the 'ER' in AMERICA are very close together.

    Close AM is normal and has no extra value.

  52. I have A 2001 New York State quarter which I got it from a change machine at a car wash. This quarter on the head side has a 2006 Roosevelt (dime) head stamped on it. The detail on this error is so clear even under the eyeloop, you may also read the detail initials under the neck line of Roosevelt's head on the quarter. To say that this must be a fake in my eyes seems truely immpossible to fabricate with such detail...on the other hand the dates on it confuse me somewhat crazy to figure out....Please give me feedback... let me also add these are both marked -D

  53. 2001 New York State quarter which I got it from a change machine at a car wash. This quarter on the head side has a 2006 Roosevelt (dime) head stamped on it. The detail on this error is so clear even under the eyeloop, you may also read the detail initials under the neck line of Roosevelt's head on the quarter. To say that this must be a fake in my eyes seems truely immpossible to fabricate with such detail...on the other hand the dates on it confuse me somewhat crazy to figure out....Please give me feedback... let me also add these are both marked -D

    Because of the the size of quarters and dimes this type of error is not possible.

    Even it were possible the 5 year difference would be too great.

    These fakes are easily made and some are magic coins sold in stores.

    I can almost guarantee a fake but if you have doubts post pictures somewhere drop a link here or contact error experts like Fred Weinberg or the people at

  54. i have a 1959 penny......and it is 3 times thinner than ordinary pennies......its shinny.....edges are as sharp like a blade...and it looks new.......when i first looked like....some body tried to make penny......but when i checked both is embossed....means its real........i have showed this to many peoples.........they said they have not seen such type of penny before.........

  55. 1959 penny......and it is 3 times thinner than ordinary pennies......its shinny.....edges are as sharp like a blade...and it looks new.......when i first looked like....some body tried to make penny......but when i checked both is embossed....means its real

    Sounds damaged someone has modified a real cent. Thin cents are common and happens over time due to wear.

  56. I have a Very thin 1973 Lincoln Penny. It has no mint mark. The dimensions and images are all correct as far as I can tell, it's just thin. What is it worth? You may email me at
    Thank you,

  57. Very thin 1973 Lincoln Penny. It has no mint mark. The dimensions and images are all correct as far as I can tell, it's just thin.

    Common erosion damage, no extra value.

  58. I've had this penny for a while. It does not appear to be a composite coin. I really don't know what it might be. Is it worth further investigation?

  59. penny for a while. It does not appear to be a composite coin.

    Sorry I do not understand. Maybe a better description, country? weight? metal?

  60. i found this penny in regular circulation. Is this a common error or is it just time? It is a 191 something cant make out the last digit. But part of trust is gone as well as the last number of the year. Rim intact. here is a pic

  61. penny in regular circulation. Is this a common error or is it just time? It is a 191 something cant make out the last digit. But part of trust is gone as well as the last number of the year. Rim intact.

    Looks like either a struck through grease error or wear.
    I think it is just worn but either way it has no extra value, maybe $0.10.

  62. I have found a 1960 penny with a P for its mint mark. I thought a mint mark was not used to represent Philadelphia but am I wrong?

  63. 1960 penny with a P for its mint mark. I thought a mint mark was not used to represent Philadelphia

    You are correct this is either an attempt at fraud/fantasy or some kind of damage of a D.
    Either way no extra value.

  64. I have a penny with the exact 1960 D date that looks exactly like the example you have for a blank dime was pressed with penny dies. The coin dealer here said it would have to be tested for its authenticity because he was not sure. Where do I send it?

  65. penny with the exact 1960 D date that looks exactly like the example you have for a blank dime was pressed with penny dies...Where do I send it?

    PCGS is a great grading service, but before spending a lot of money on that try to weigh it.

    That dealer should have just weighed it, this would instantly gave you a clue.

  66. Thanks for the reply. Can you tell me the actual weight it should be and how close I need to be to that weight to have a clue to its authenticity. Thank you

  67. Can you tell me the actual weight it should be and how close I need to be to that weight to have a clue to its authenticity.

    Not that simple, it can be one of many off-metal errors.

    If the coin weighs 3.11 grams it is plated fake. Anything else would have to be investigated.

  68. Hello. I just discovered that I saved a 2001 New York quarter that initially appears to have NO mint marking. When you turn it a certain way in bright light and look really, really close, it has a very faint D mark that is almost virtually invisible. Is this worth anything other than its face value?

  69. 2001 New York quarter that initially appears to have NO mint marking. When you turn it a certain way in bright light and look really, really close, it has a very faint D mark that is almost virtually invisible.

    Sounds like a Struck Through Grease error which has no extra value.

  70. Hello. A girl at work brought in a penny she got as change. It is a 1987 silver colored penny. Below are links to pictures, but first a word: The copper color you see in the pictures is non-existant, it is just a lighting effect. The penny is solid silver in color. The striking is clear, the images are very sharp. There is almost no wear. What could this be, and how much could it be worth?

  71. It is a 1987 silver colored penny.

    Looks like a plated fake but to make sure weigh it.

    Weight is the only way to find out what type of error you may have.

  72. I have a 2002 Mississippi quarter. The outer edge is very detailed,it has a different sound than a normal quarter and it also has odd colors that range from blue to gray to copper or bronze. Does it have any value other than face value?

  73. 2002 Mississippi quarter. The outer edge is very detailed,it has a different sound than a normal quarter and it also has odd colors that range from blue to gray to copper or bronze.

    Sounds damaged by heating.
    That said try weighing to see if it's a true error.

  74. First question. What should a normal quarter weight. Also did they make silver state quarters.

  75. What should a normal quarter weight.
    --5.67 grams

    Also did they make silver state quarters.
    --Yes, they weigh 5.75 grams

  76. Hello,
    I´ve got here an error 1$ bill from 1935F. The reverse of that bill is completly yellow. If you want any pictures of the bill, write me an e-mail:

  77. error 1$ Bill from 1935F. The reverse of the bill is completly yellow.

    Not an error. This is bleaching because of strong light it is common and has no extra value.

  78. What would cause a 2002 quarter too turn colors.Is it a defect or something that happened in circulation.It is blue bronze and gray.Thanks for all the help so far.

  79. What would cause a 2002 quarter too turn colors.Is it a defect or something that happened in circulation.It is blue bronze and gray

    Natural toning happens over time due to heat, humidity and oils. Adds little to no value.

    Unnatural toning happens when people place coins in the oven to give them a cool rainbow effect. Drops value, is often considered damage.

  80. i have a 1963D lincoln penny that is really thin,less than half the normal thickness, with no ridges,and the designs on both sides are normal.

    what you think?

  81. 1963D lincoln penny that is really thin,less than half the normal thickness, with no ridges,and the designs on both sides are normal.

    Most likely just worn it happens often since copper is so soft. I have many like this no extra value.

    Both sides can stay very detailed and still be worn. You may want to weigh it and take some pictures.

  82. Hey I have a 2006 South Dakota quarter and it is only stamped on one side. The head side of the quarter is completely blank. I was wondering how much this is worth?

  83. 2006 South Dakota quarter and it is only stamped on one side. The head side of the quarter is completely blank.

    Sounds damaged, this type of error is not possible the other side would always retain some kind of distortion.

    No extra value.

  84. i have a 1999-d steel penny any info

  85. 1999-d steel penny

    Weigh it to see if it's an error.

  86. i have a 1935 penny on the side of the l in liberty is a clear and sold backwards 4same size as a 4 on any other penny is it a true error?

  87. 1935 penny on the side of the l in liberty is a clear and sold backwards 4same size as a 4 on any other penny is it a true error?

    Does not sound like a real error it is more likely that another coin was smashed into this one.

  88. I came across a 1987 dime that looks to be almost mint condition, no scratches - the only odd thing is that the head and lettering on the dime are dull and don't appear shiny as compared to a normal dime - it also looks to be thicker.

    Is it fake?

  89. 1987 dime that looks to be almost mint condition, no scratches - the only odd thing is that the head and lettering on the dime are dull and don't appear shiny as compared to a normal dime - it also looks to be thicker.

    Sounds normal, probably a late die strike meaning the die used to stamp the coin was getting worn.
    No extra value.

    To be sure it is not something else you should weigh it.

  90. I have a 1959 shinny yellow penny. looks uncirculated. is it worth any thing?

  91. 1959 shinny yellow penny. looks uncirculated.

    Sounds like someone gold-plated a normal cent, no extra value.

  92. Lady said...

    I have a 2006 yellow, not gold South Dakota quarter. No one seems to know why it's yellow nor the value of it.

  93. 2006 yellow, not gold South Dakota quarter. No one seems to know why it's yellow nor the value of it.

    Probably painted or heated or chemically damaged.

    Try weighing it to see if it is some other type of error.

  94. I have a 1981 penny with no mint mark and what looks like the state of Rhode Island with the initials RI inside stamped to the right of lincolns face. Here's a photo of the coin:

  95. 1981 penny with no mint mark and what looks like the state of Rhode Island with the initials RI inside stamped to the right of lincolns face.

    Done outside the mint it has no extra value. Just a novelty item.

  96. I have a 1927 one cent graded fine with medal alignment of 90 degrees on the reverse. We can't find any references to this. Do you know what it is worth?

  97. 1927 one cent graded fine with medal alignment of 90 degrees on the reverse.

    About $35.00 I also cannot find any other 1927 cents with a Rotated Reverse. I think at auction it may bring more if it is unique maybe 2 or 3 times estimed value.

  98. My mom has a huge collection of coins and I love going threw them. Tonight I was and I found another silver penny dated 1960 would this mean its the 2nd one or maybe a 3rd? thanks

  99. I found another silver penny dated 1960 would this mean its the 2nd one or maybe a 3rd?

    Yes, there are a few.
    Off-Metal errors are rare but there are thousands of examples from every year and every denomination.

    Average value is $1,000.00 but as you may have read in the post some go for $4,000.00 or more.

    First you need to weigh your "silver penny" to see what type of error you may have.

  100. 2000 new hampshire state quarter, doubled in LIBERTY and UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. about how much in AU-50?

  101. Whoops! meant to put that last comment somewhere else. Sorry!

  102. 2000 new hampshire state quarter, doubled in LIBERTY and UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. about how much in AU-50?
    --About $15.00

    Whoops! meant to put that last comment somewhere else. Sorry!
    --No problem, comment anywhere.

  103. i have a 1987 quarter that sounds like metal. it sounds way different than other quarters. what is it

  104. 1987 quarter that sounds like metal. it sounds way different than other quarters

    All quarters are made of metal.
    Maybe try weighing it if you think it is an error.

  105. ok i have a quarter that weighs the same as a reall quarter. the quarter in question feels different and look different. it makes a dull sound when u compare it to other quarters

  106. ok i have a quarter that weighs the same as a reall quarter. the quarter in question feels different and look different. it makes a dull sound when u compare it to other quarters

    It seems like a normal quarter.

    Humidity or heat may have warped the coin a bit but if all the specifications are normal then it is just damaged.

  107. 1988 D quarter...i collect coins like this and have several misprints.that quarter needs to be authenticated.

    What is the name of this error?

  108. I found this 1960 penny that looks silver but have my doubts. I will try to weigh it at the post office. here is the picture link:
    Thanks for your help.

  109. 1960 penny that looks silver but have my doubts. I will try to weigh it at the post office.

    Looks plated the top seems to have a pendant loop that broke off. No extra value.

    Weighing it is your best bet let me know the final weight.

  110. I do not know where to post a question at, I suppose this is where? but I have a 1990 penny, that doesnt have a mint mark. From about lincoln's shoulder to the "W" in the "in god we trust" that area is thicker than the rest of the penny(like the surface) but the L in liberty looks Like an I and the IN in "in god we trust' looks to be missprinted also. Sorry I don't really know how to describe it better, but I was wondering if you knew anything about this and if it is a missprinted penny?

  111. I do not know where to post a question at, I suppose this is where?
    --Post anywhere I get all the questions emailed to me.

    1990 penny, that doesnt have a mint mark. From about lincoln's shoulder to the "W" in the "in god we trust" that area is thicker than the rest of the penny(like the surface) but the L in liberty looks Like an I and the IN in "in god we trust' looks to be missprinted also. Sorry I don't really know how to describe it better, but I was wondering if you knew anything about this and if it is a missprinted penny?
    --Sounds like a Cud error where the die break and part of the coin is not pressed. Generally no extra value.

    But it also can be damage, if you ccan post a picture somewhere then drop the link here that may help.

  112. i hv a 1988 quarter dollar coin in which both sides are inverse to each other like the bird legs are parallel to lincon head and bird's head is parallel to lincon's lower part. what it's value?

  113. I have a 2006 South Dakota quarter- found on the ground. It is very shiny and the edges are gold. On the back, only the pictures (wheat, Mt. Rushmore, a bird) are gold, the rest shinier than normal metal. Wondering what it is...?

  114. 1988 quarter dollar coin in which both sides are inverse to each other like the bird legs are parallel to lincon head and bird's head is parallel to lincon's lower part.

    Sounds normal.

    A rotated reverse is when the head is facing normal and if you turn the coin left or right the back is is also noraml facing up. This is worth $200 or more.

    If the front is facing up and normal but the back is upside down this is normal.

  115. 2006 South Dakota quarter- found on the ground. It is very shiny and the edges are gold. On the back, only the pictures (wheat, Mt. Rushmore, a bird) are gold, the rest shinier than normal metal

    Someone gold-plated this coin, no extra value.
    Probably from a home shopping channel it is considered damaged.

  116. Would you suggest sending 98 and 00 wam lincolns that would probably grade near a ms67 red or better off to be graded? Any recommendations between pcgs or ngc? Thanks

  117. Would you suggest sending 98 and 00 wam lincolns that would probably grade near a ms67 red or better off to be graded?

    Any recommendations between pcgs or ngc?

  118. One more thing on the wide ams, what would be the least grade that u would send off to be graded?

  119. 1992-d silver cent

  120. One more thing on the wide ams, what would be the least grade that u would send off to be graded?

    MS-68 or higher. Even if I had a little doubt I would not bother.

  121. 1992-d silver cent

    Weigh it to find out what it really is.

  122. alright. best to hope for?

  123. best to hope for?

    Struck on a Clad Dime planchet about $300.00

  124. I'm thinking of buying a bausch and lomb hastring triplet 14x for Lincoln errors, would u consider this good for the job? Or should I go with the 10x triplet. I currently use a he Harris 10x and would like a nice upgrade. Thanks

  125. I'm thinking of buying a bausch and lomb hastring triplet 14x for Lincoln errors, would u consider this good for the job? Or should I go with the 10x triplet. I currently use a he Harris 10x and would like a nice upgrade.

    I do not use loops. I have used digital microscopes and find them a better alternative.

    That said a 14x would be better but the complaints is that it is too small.
    The 10x may not be as powerful but they are easier to use.

    If you are not going for the new tech then try the 14x in hand before upgrading.

  126. Hey man, just wanted to share my finds tonight with you. I found a 1995 dd Lincoln and also a 1984 dd! Best night of roll searching yet! Thanks for all ur info and time u put into ur blog!

  127. 1995 dd Lincoln about $5.00 in fine

    also a 1984 dd about $2.00 in fine but there are some more valuable varieties

  128. The 84 is the doubled ear with doubling on the beard and bowtie and the 95 has very strong doubling on liberty and in god we trust. Both may clasify as ms-60

  129. Both may clasify as ms-60

    84 is the doubled ear with doubling on the beard and bowtie
    --About $120.00

    95 has very strong doubling on liberty and in god we trust.
    --About $25.00

    You did find some good ones. 1995 have gone down but luckily 1984 have maintained there high values.

  130. Just found a nice 1991-s Lincoln penny, any information on this date and mint mark?

  131. 1991-s Lincoln penny about $0.50 if scratched or smudged even slightly.

    This is from a proof set and if found in circulation that means it was not in perfect condition for some collector.

  132. Do u know any pennies not in the cherry pickers book that I should take a extra look at when roll searching?

  133. Do u know any pennies not in the cherry pickers book that I should take a extra look at when roll searching?

    Doubled Dies and errors exist for every year so look out for those.

    Just keep it general recognize what is not normal and always take a long second look.

  134. 1992-d silver lincoln cent. larger than normal cent. weight 2.5 grams.

  135. Which 82 lincolns have value. The ones with the thick lettering on the entire obverse or the ones with defined lettering? How xan I tell what's large or small and worth keeping?

  136. 1992-d silver lincoln cent. larger than copper cent. thin, weighs 2.5 gr.

    The weight is normal, seems like someone plated this coin in silver.

    Damage, no extra value.

  137. Which 82 lincolns have value. The ones with the thick lettering on the entire obverse or the ones with defined lettering?
    --Of the 7 varieties the most valuable is the zinc-Large date and zinc-small date.
    Be aware that only in near perfect mint condition does it have any value, about $1.00.

    How xan I tell what's large or small and worth keeping?
    --Only the ones with the highest grade are worth keeping.

  138. Can there be doubling on one some of the letters united states of America and no where else on the 1982 small date? I seem to be seeing doubling but not on all letters of USA

  139. Can there be doubling on one some of the letters united states of America and no where else on the 1982 small date? I seem to be seeing doubling but not on all letters of USA

    Although none are listed it is possible but most likely it is not true doubling.

  140. I actually believe they are large dates because the loops in the eights appear to be the same size and the lettering isn't as Sharp and defined as in the small date 82's. Does this make sense to you?

  141. I actually believe they are large dates because the loops in the eights appear to be the same size and the lettering isn't as Sharp and defined as in the small date 82's. Does this make sense to you?

    True also the 2 on a large date looks like this 2 with a curl on top leading to a almost straight line to the bottom.
    In a small date the 2 has an S curve in the middle.

    Great Link below...
    1982 cents

  142. I have a 1964 half dollar with "two heads" one on the front and one on the back. Do you feel that this could be authentic, or is it a fake? If it is real how much is it worth?

  143. 1964 half dollar with "two heads" one on the front and one on the back. Do you feel that this could be authentic, or is it a fake?

    Fake, this type of error is not possible.

    No value above metal content.

  144. How come my 1964 double headed half dollar looks and feels so
    real? There are no cut marks where two coins would be cut in half and rejoined, it's not dug out deeper then reingraved. The weight is
    Correct, the thickness is correct, and it is the correct silver comment for this year; which is 90%. Do you think I may have the rarest coin on Earth? Lol.

  145. How come my 1964 double headed half dollar looks and feels so
    real? There are no cut marks where two coins would be cut in half and rejoined, it's not dug out deeper then reingraved. The weight is
    Correct, the thickness is correct, and it is the correct silver comment for this year; which is 90%. Do you think I may have the rarest coin on Earth? Lol.

    The way coins are pressed makes it impossible for coin with heads on both sides. The head press would never fit in the tail press and vice-versa.

    That said these are magic coins, currently selling on Amazon for $10 or less. Magic coins are common and can be made with great precision on half dollars.

    So it does have value but not rare.

  146. Brockage maybe?

  147. Brockage maybe?

    If the coin is warped and out of shape, possibly.

  148. I have a 2000 D Massachusetts Quarter that is exact same color as a presidential dollar. Any idea what this is? Thanks for the help!

  149. 2000 D Massachusetts Quarter that is exact same color as a presidential dollar.

    Probably gold-plated by an outside company, no extra value.

    Try weighing it just in case it is something else.

  150. Thanks for the help!

  151. I have a 1956 silver penny with a copper rim? ... any idea on it's value or rarity?

  152. 1956 silver penny with a copper rim?

    It has to be weighed to tell if it is an error.

    That said since no copper-nickel clad coins were made in 1956 I think this is some type of plated coin with no extra value.

  153. I have a 2005 D is really good condition and it has no vdb, there is a tiny straight line and a tiny o next it, is it of any value?

  154. 2005 D is really good condition and it has no vdb, there is a tiny straight line and a tiny o next it

    Sounds like a Die Break error, no extra value.

  155. I have a 1981 penny with no mint mark. the second in 1981 is crooked n thin. Is this a error?

  156. Sorry my last post was incorrect, what i meant to say was- i have a 1981 penny with no mint mark. The second 1 in 1981 is crooked n thin. Is this a error?

  157. 1981 penny with no mint mark. The second 1 in 1981 is crooked n thin. Is this a error?

    Sounds like a Struck Through Grease error, no extra value.

    Meaning dirt or some other things filled the die and caused a weak and crooked design element.

  158. I have a 1995 Lincoln cent with the word trust missing and part of lincolns body missing, and the top of the round part of his head is incomplete. The mint mark is D. The top rim of the penny is also pertruding out. The IN GOD is Doubled looks like And Lincolns head is doubled.

  159. 1995 Lincoln cent with the word trust missing and part of lincolns body missing, and the top of the round part of his head is incomplete. The mint mark is D. The top rim of the penny is also pertruding out. The IN GOD is Doubled looks like And Lincolns head is doubled.

    Sounds like a late stage die strike or misaligned die error, both have no extra value.

    That said it could possibly be a true doubling but that needs to be seen by an expert in hand since 1995 did have a valuable doubled die.

  160. I have a single-sided 1927 Lincoln penny, I was wondering if it's worth anything. The front side seems legit, but the back side is completely blank, as if the back side was never printed.

  161. a single-sided 1927 Lincoln penny

    Damaged, this type of error is not really possible.
    No extra value.

    It is common to smooth out one side for jewelry.

  162. i have a 1970 silver penny and i would like to know what it is worth

  163. 1970 silver penny

    Weight it with a 0.01 gram scale to know what type of error.

  164. Just found a 1968 D penny. It seems to have some kind of taper as it is noticeably thinner on one side. "In God We Trust" is touching the rim and Lincoln's bust feels larger.

    Overall the coin in noticeably different to the touch. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

  165. 1968 D penny. It seems to have some kind of taper as it is noticeably thinner on one side. "In God We Trust" is touching the rim and Lincoln's bust feels larger.

    Possible Misaligned Die, the coin was not struck centered on one side or both.
    Either way no extra value unless part of the design is missing.

  166. Thanks for the reply, the coin is centered on both sides, Lincoln's bust, "1968" and "Liberty" are right on the edge of the coin (no room to be off centered). I don't know if that makes a difference in your thoughts.

  167. ... the coin is centered on both sides, Lincoln's bust, "1968" and "Liberty" are right on the edge of the coin...

    That is the definition of Off-Center or Misaligned.

    You coin lacks a rim so it was probably Misaligned when being struck, again this is common and does not add value.

  168. Sorry, I think I misused a term, by edge I meant touching the rim. The rim is full, there is no misalighnment (all features of coin are present) and centered. It is normal size, the only differentiating things are the tapering of the coin and the bust of lincoln feels larger (probably the wrong term) but it feels like it was struck deeper than similar coins.

    Thanks for the replies, I have been reading through your site and find it quite interesting to learn.

  169. The rim is full, there is no misalighnment (all features of coin are present) and centered. It is normal size, the only differentiating things are the tapering of the coin and the bust of lincoln feels larger (probably the wrong term) but it feels like it was struck deeper than similar coins.

    Still could be a Misalignment error. Sounds like an Uneven Planchet or Uneven Strike. Again all three are common among cents and have no extra value unless part of the design is missing or otherwise messed up.

  170. Hello
    I have a quarter dollar coin, but on one face is G. Washington and 1984 P, while on the reverse is also G.Washington (not the eagle) and the date 1987 D?
    Do you know some similar case?
    Thank you in advance.

  171. a quarter dollar coin, but on one face is G. Washington and 1984 P, while on the reverse is also G.Washington (not the eagle) and the date 1987 D

    A magic coin, these are sold in magic shops for bout $5.00.

    They are not errors and hold no extra value among collectors.

  172. How ya doin? I have a 2000D dime, and on the back of the head is a bump. It looks to be a couple strands of hair. Never seen one like it before and couldn't find ANY info on the internet about it.. I was wondering if you've ever seen one like it. Is it rare and or valuable?

  173. 2000D dime, and on the back of the head is a bump. It looks to be a couple strands of hair.

    Die Break error, these are common and hold no extra value.

  174. I have a 1970 Lincoln cent with a ribbed edge. Any value in the ribbed edge?

  175. 1970 Lincoln cent with a ribbed edge.

    Damaged, no extra value.

    Have anything but a smooth edge is not possible for U.S. cents so it is always considered damaged.

  176. I have a 200 penny with a silver ring around the edge on both top and bottom

  177. 200 penny with a silver ring around the edge on both top and bottom

    Damage, the edge is exposing the zinc core.

    Even if a Partial Missing Clad error it is so minor it does not add value.

  178. I have a 1964 D Penny with only the face side stamped and nothing on the back. It is worth anything?

  179. 1964 D Penny with only the face side stamped and nothing on the back

    Not a true error, a blank side is not possible.

    Damaged, no extra value.

  180. Had to edit: I bought a 1984 uncirculated coin set today, both P and D. On the pennies, the one that's supposed to be P has no mint mark and looks normal, the D is a very noticeable different color- not exactly a golden color, but more towards that color range, much brighter- it's more in the color range of the treasury mint coin they include with the sets. Also the coin looks, idk, abnormal, with slight rippling in the metal next to his face (hard to see unless you look close) almost like the difference between a gloss photograph and matt photograph. The other coins all look normal and ofc all the coins are still in the original gov sealed (untampered) packaging, with certs, envelope, ect so I know someone wasn't playing chemistry with it. Any idea why it's a totally different color and the metal looks "fluffy" for a lack of better wording? Ive seen other pennies (1982 & 1983 & 1960) that looks similar, but where those ones had been in circulation i never put much thought in it... until now.

  181. 1984 uncirculated coin set today, both P and D. On the pennies, the one that's supposed to be P has no mint mark and looks normal, the D is a very noticeable different color...

    Without a clear picture I would have to Struck Through error. Struck through a piece of paper or possibly something else.

    Value depends on eye appeal. These may have extra value but it should be clear.

    Also some cents contained more of a brass composition they also have slightly extra value but nothing large.

    The cent and extra Treasury seal tokens are made of the same blanks.

  182. Light bulbs suck for details on color lol. I tried to get it where the bulb, glare or angle didn't change the color. There's more a golden hue on the one, and a slightly more dramatic color difference between the 2 coins, but its very very close to being exact on color.
    Pic link. If first doesn't work, try second.

  183. There's more a golden hue on the one, and a slightly more dramatic color difference between the 2 coins, but its very very close to being exact on color.

    There is no surface change so it is likely a slightly more brass mixture.

    It does not add value and is common among cents that most collectors ignore it.

    Here is a good link...

    But not all collectors think brass cents are anything special so values are not set in stone.

  184. About a week ago I found a penny from 2006. It's us extremely light compared to other pennies I have ever seen. I'm going to try to send a picture.

  185. i found a 2006 penny last week. it is extremely bright. It looks gold and not copper. even against other newer pennies the color isnt even close to what it should be

  186. About a week ago I found a penny from 2006. It's us extremely light compared to other pennies I have ever seen. I'm going to try to send a picture.
    --Needs to be weighed with 0.01 gram scale.

    found a 2006 penny last week. it is extremely bright. It looks gold and not copper. even against other newer pennies the color isnt even close to what it should be
    --Link did not work try using imgur to upload but sounds plated, no extra value.



    Seems to be a brass plated cent.
    These are cents that may have been improperly mixed over improperly annealed. They are known by collectors as "Brass Cents". Some people collect them but others think they are common and should be ignored.

    Great link below...

    I personally think they are common but eBay often sells them for $35.00 on average in high grade.

  189. My friend found a 2001 Penny with the front stamped in reverse ... can you estimate a value?

  190. 2001 Penny with the front stamped in reverse

    Sounds like a Die Clash error, no extra value.

  191. I have a 1979 penny. It has the state of Georgia engraved in it. i have never seen this before. I can't find anything on about it.

  192. 1979 penny. It has the state of Georgia engraved in it. i have never seen this before.

    These were made by an outside company they were probably made in the 1980s. All 50 states were made by several "collecting" companies.

    These have no collectors value and are considered damaged.

  193. I got 2 coins the other day, it took me forever to find pictures to show you. What exactly are they? Are they currency or just random collectible coins?

    This is one side of the first one:

    This is the other side of the first one:

    This is one side of the second one:

    This is the other side of the second one:

  194. got 2 coins the other day, it took me forever to find pictures to show you. What exactly are they? Are they currency or just random collectible coins?

    First is a Chinese 7.2 Candareens - Guangxu it is equivalent to 10 cents in face value.
    That said it is silver about 82% if I recall so about $20.00 in value.
    From 1890-1908 the date was never placed in the coin just the emperor.

    Second is a steel Feng Shui fake coin, they came in sets of 12 for each zodiac sign and sold for about $6.00 or $0.50 each. Aside from that I have not Idea what company made them.

  195. I have a 2000 penny that has been misprinted.The print doesnt cover the whole penny front/back.On the back some the words "United States of America" has been cut off,u can see the space it made when it got printed my penny worth anything?

  196. 2000 penny that has been misprinted.The print doesnt cover the whole penny front/back.On the back some the words "United States of America" has been cut off,u can see the space it made when it got printed wrong.

    Sounds like a Off Center strike, about $5.00.

  197. i have a 1971 dime thats missing a u on the back. is it worth anything

  198. 1971 dime thats missing a u on the back

    Struck Through Grease error, no extra value.


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