
Saturday, July 16, 2005

Half Dollar Buckets

Do you have a half dollar of any year or country and want to find out its value? Leave a comment and I will do my best to find out the price and history for you.

I've never been to Las Vegas but I know that Atlantic City and Foxwoods have slot machines pay off in Kennedy Half Dollars. These Kennedy 50 cent pieces are highly circulated because each casino recirculates the coins through their own private machinery.

The last few half dollars I received from casinos were from the 1980's and 1990's worth about face value. The casinos also gets freshly minted coins from the federal government so you can get those almost perfect highly polished coins that are worth more.

The Kennedy Half started in 1964 and made of silver, hundred of millions were made that first year and are not rare but they are valuable for their silver content. The 1964 year is the toughest to find circulating because machines can automatically sense the silver and separate them. At current silver prices a 1964 half is worth $4.71 add the collectible value and it can be up to $6.00.

The news with Kennedy halves is that since 1987 they have either not been issued for circulation or available in extremely limited quantity. The 2002 halves numbered only 5 1/2 million compared to 77 1/2 million in 1980.

I like the faces of cashiers when you try to pay something with half dollars, some are just dumbfounded and must bring their managers to verify the coin.

The most valuable half dollar in low grade condition is the 1987 half at $5.00, but it was never placed in circulation so it may difficult to find in your change but not impossible because it doesn't look different from any other Kennedy Half.

The circulating Bicentennial Half Dollar numbered well over 500 million and is one of the least valuable of the halves at about $1.50 in uncirculated condition.



  1. Here is a picture of one that I have.

    1976 Version :)

  2. Just finished reading the post about the bicentennial ones.

  3. Cool as you read in great condition it's worth about $1.50 and that one doesn't seem to be super high quality.

    I'll post a more detailed explanation in a minute.

  4. Can you please tell me where the mint marks are, I can't find them on some of my 1/2 dollars

  5. where the mint marks are, I can't find them on some of my 1/2 dollars

    For Kennedy halves:
    1964 on the reverse under the eagle's claw on the left. Either blank or D.

    1965-1967 no mint marks.

    1967-1979 on the front under the bust, above the date. Either blank or D or S.

    1980-2008 on the front under the bust, above the date. Either P or D or S.

    If you mean Franklin halves they are on the reverse above the bell.

  6. I forgot to mention if it is blank it is P or Philadelphia.

  7. what is a 1907 canadian half dollar worth in very good condition?????

  8. 1907 canadian half dollar worth in very good condition

    About $12.00

  9. I found a 1983P Kennedy half dollar that has doubling in the lips and eye. Does this add value to it?

  10. 1983P Kennedy half dollar that has doubling in the lips and eye

    This doubled die is not listed anywhere I suspect it is machine doubling that has no extra value.

    If you think it is a true doubling get some good pictures and share them online or visit a local coin club and ask for help.

  11. hi, i found a zipbag full of coins in a drawer wonder if they're worth anything. here it goes:

    1942 & 1944

    1937 buffalo
    1900 liberty head, roman V on back

    1944 mercury


    half dollar
    1957 benjamin franklin
    1964 kennedy
    1967-1969 kennedy

    dollar coin
    1974 and 1976. these are the large ones with liberty bell on the back.

  12. pennies
    1942 about $0.10
    1944 about $0.10

    1937 buffalo about $1.00
    1900 liberty head, roman V on back about $2.00

    1944 mercury about $1.50

    1950 about $4.00

    half dollar
    1957 benjamin franklin about $7.00
    1964 kennedy about $0.10
    1967-1969 kennedy about $3.00 each

    dollar coin
    1974 about $1.00
    1976 about $1.00

  13. "1964 kennedy about $0.10"
    the coin is worth less than face value?

  14. Sorry, my bad it should be...

    1964 kennedy about $7.00

    This value is because of the silver content so as silver rises so will this coin.

  15. Hi I have a '57 Franklin halve that is part of a proof set that is still in the cello. It is spotless, but not cameo, still a beautiful coin with a excellent field. My question looking at it I noticed that the "W" in In God We Trust is quite a bit higher that the rest of the printing which is all along the bottom edge of the coin...the "W" is not along the edge, it is quite elevated. What would the value be on this?

  16. '57 Franklin halve that is part of a proof set that is still in the cello. It is spotless, but not cameo,

    This is normal it's about $30.00

  17. I have about 50 1997 Kennedy half dollars that are a lot brighter than normal halfs. Silver looking rather than the nickle look. The edge looks different also as it is an even very light copper color. No waifer look. And the ribbed edge is much more pronounced. I've weighed them and they weigh pretty much the same as any of the regular halfs. I've found several other years that are the same, one being a 1971. Most are from the Denver Mint, but a few are Philly. Can you help me with what I have?

    Thanks in advance. Jim

  18. 1997 Kennedy half dollars that are a lot brighter than normal halfs. Silver looking rather than the nickle look. The edge looks different also as it is an even very light copper color. No waifer look. And the ribbed edge is much more pronounced. I've weighed them and they weigh pretty much the same as any of the regular halfs. I've found several other years that are the same, one being a 1971. Most are from the Denver Mint, but a few are Philly.

    Since the weight is the same these are just high grade coins, what is typical called Brilliant Uncirculated or proof-like.
    That said they would only be at most $2.00 each.

    Since these are hardly ever used it's easy to find them in near perfect shiny condition.

  19. I have a couple of 1776-1976 half dollars how much are they worth? Plus i have one of each 1971,1972,1979. Are any of these worth more than face value?

  20. couple of 1776-1976 half dollars how much are they worth? Plus i have one of each 1971,1972,1979

    Just $0.50 each

  21. 1973 Real Fine and 1991 good condition Kennedy Half Dollar

    1960 Franklin Silver Half Dollar

  22. Kennedy Half Dollar
    1973 Real Fine just $0.50
    1991 good condition just $0.50

    1960 Franklin Silver Half Dollar about $13.00

  23. i have gotten 2 1967 kennedy half dollars and 1 1966 from my local bank are they worth holding i know they have 40% silver 2 are stained but 1 is shiny i was wondering are they valuable for collectors

  24. 2 1967 kennedy half dollars and 1 1966 from my local bank are they worth holding i know they have 40% silver 2 are stained but 1 is shiny i was wondering are they valuable for collectors

    About $4.25 each, they will always gain in value since they have silver but are too common in circulated condition.

  25. the other day i was coin roll hunting i ended up finding a 1941 walking liberty half dollar with no mint mark but its in good shape it had some toned spots but the details are fair not too worn i know it has $10 worth of silver but i would just like to know the extra value

  26. 1941 walking liberty half dollar with no mint mark but its in good shape it had some toned spots but the details are fair not too worn

    In good about $13.50.

  27. i found a 1965 Kennedy half dollar and the edge is all white i know its suppose to be a 40% silver many 40 percenters egde show the copper edge could it be a error coin this one is white its 1965

  28. 1965 Kennedy half dollar and the edge is all white i know its suppose to be a 40% silver many 40 percenters egde show the copper edge

    This is normal.
    All 40% silver coins have silver edges, there is no copper showing.

  29. got 2 1987 s and a 2001 s kennedy half dollar any value in them they look brand new really shiny edge looks new and minor scratches on them not alot

  30. 1987 s and a 2001 s kennedy half dollar any value in them they look brand new really shiny edge looks new and minor scratches on them not alot

    These are proof coins but since they are scratched they lost most of their value, about $0.75 each but most could not be resold if circulated.

  31. i found 2 half dollars both are gold plated not sure if its real gold. 1 is from 2008 with a special type of sticker on the obverse showing a baseball player.the other is a 2011 half dollar also plated in gold which im not sure if its real gold. when i drop both coins it sounds like a regular clad one. are these coins worth holding onto ?

  32. 2 half dollars both are gold plated not sure if its real gold...

    It was plated outside the mint with less than $0.01 worth of gold.

    These have no extra value and are considered damaged to collectors.

  33. i have three halves a 1974 1978 & 1984 Kennedy half dollar.these coins don't make the ringing tone when i drop them on the floor it sounds like if they were made out of hard plastic.ive never seen this before.they look like ordinary kennedy half dollars is this rare or common to happen as a error. if so i would appreciate any info that would be helpful

  34. 1974 1978 & 1984 Kennedy half dollar.these coins don't make the ringing tone when i drop them on the floor it sounds like if they were made out of hard plastic.ive never seen this before.they look like ordinary kennedy half dollars is this rare or common to happen as a error.

    Possibly fake, you need to weigh them each with a 0.01 gram scale to find out.

  35. I have 3 rolls of Kennedy half dollars one from 2004 P one from 2006 D and 2007 D. The rolls have never been open. The rolls are blue and white and showing a Kennedy half dollar picture. It says us I hear they have value if so please let me know.

  36. 3 rolls of Kennedy half dollars one from 2004 P one from 2006 D and 2007 D. The rolls have never been open.

    About $30.00 each.

  37. I am dumb founded. I went through my rolls of half dollars and came across one that looks really different then all the rest. It has a gold tint to it instead of silver. 1997 Kennedy. Looks like a D mint mark. Is this just age discoloration or a fake? It has grooved edges not smooth and the edges are also the goldish tint. Also, the edges are not 2 colored. Any ideas?

  38. It has a gold tint to it instead of silver. 1997 Kennedy. Looks like a D mint mark. Is this just age discoloration or a fake? It has grooved edges not smooth and the edges are also the goldish tint.

    Gold plated by an outside company, no extra value.

  39. I have a bicentennial half dollar 1776-1976 D mint on the back side in independance hall it is completly missing the H ,so it says all extremely good condition is it worth any thing

  40. I have a 1776-1976 1/2 dollar with independence Hall on the back side except mine is completely different mine says independence all the help is completely missing no scratches on it no sign what's so ever of it being there plus at the end of America ca is barely there not worn off just very light stamped any idea on possible value

  41. 1776-1976 1/2 dollar with independence Hall on the back side except mine is completely different mine says independence all the help is completely missing no scratches on it no sign what's so ever of it being there plus at the end of America ca is barely there not worn off just very light stamped

    Struck Through Grease error, no extra value.

  42. had it looked at this last weekend not struck through grease error

    Without an image or seeing it hand it would be difficult to anything else but a Struck Through Grease error.

    Curious to know what it turned out to be?


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